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MCP ServersCommunityCursor MCP (Model Context Protocol)

Cursor MCP (Model Context Protocol)

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Cursor MCP is a bridge between Claude’s desktop application and the Cursor editor, enabling seamless AI-powered automation and multi-instance management. It’s part of the broader Model Context Protocol (MCP) ecosystem, allowing Cursor to interact with various AI models and services through standardized interfaces.


πŸ€– AI Integration

  • Direct integration with Claude’s desktop application
  • Ability to leverage other MCP-compatible AI services
  • Real-time context sharing between AI and editor
  • AI-powered automation and code generation

πŸ”Œ MCP Protocol Support

  • Standardized communication with AI models
  • Extensible plugin system for additional MCPs
  • Context-aware command execution
  • Secure token-based authentication

πŸ–₯️ Cross-Platform Window Management

  • Seamlessly manage Cursor editor windows across operating systems
  • Focus, minimize, restore, and arrange windows programmatically
  • Track window state changes and positions
  • Handle multiple Cursor instances simultaneously

⌨️ Input Automation

  • AI-driven keyboard input with support for:
    • Code generation and insertion
    • Refactoring operations
    • Context-aware completions
    • Multi-cursor editing
  • Intelligent mouse automation including:
    • Smart selection
    • Context-menu operations
    • AI-guided navigation

πŸ”„ Process Management

  • AI-orchestrated instance management
  • Smart workspace organization
  • Automatic context preservation
  • Intelligent session recovery

MCP Integration

Claude Desktop Integration

import { ClaudeMCP } from 'cursor-mcp/claude' // Connect to Claude's desktop app const claude = await ClaudeMCP.connect() // Execute AI-powered operations await claude.generateCode({ prompt: 'Create a React component', context: currentFileContent, language: 'typescript' }) // Get AI suggestions const suggestions = await claude.getSuggestions({ code: selectedText, type: 'refactor' })

Using Multiple MCPs

import { MCPRegistry } from 'cursor-mcp/registry' // Register available MCPs MCPRegistry.register('claude', ClaudeMCP) MCPRegistry.register('github-copilot', CopilotMCP) // Use different AI services const claude = await MCPRegistry.get('claude') const copilot = await MCPRegistry.get('github-copilot') // Compare suggestions const claudeSuggestions = await claude.getSuggestions(context) const copilotSuggestions = await copilot.getSuggestions(context)

Custom MCP Integration

import { BaseMCP, MCPProvider } from 'cursor-mcp/core' class CustomMCP extends BaseMCP implements MCPProvider { async connect() { // Custom connection logic } async generateSuggestions(context: CodeContext) { // Custom AI integration } } // Register custom MCP MCPRegistry.register('custom-ai', CustomMCP)


The tool can be configured through environment variables or a config file at:

  • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\cursor-mcp\config\config.json
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/cursor-mcp/config/config.json
  • Linux: ~/.config/cursor-mcp/config.json

Example configuration:

{ "mcp": { "claude": { "enabled": true, "apiKey": "${CLAUDE_API_KEY}", "contextWindow": 100000 }, "providers": { "github-copilot": { "enabled": true, "auth": "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" } } }, "autoStart": true, "maxInstances": 4, "windowArrangement": "grid", "logging": { "level": "info", "file": "cursor-mcp.log" } }



# Run as Administrator Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile "" Expand-Archive -Path "" -DestinationPath "." .\windows.ps1


# Run with sudo curl -L "" -o "" unzip sudo ./


# Run with sudo curl -L "" -o "" unzip sudo ./


Basic Usage

import { CursorInstanceManager } from 'cursor-mcp' // Get the instance manager const manager = CursorInstanceManager.getInstance() // Start a new Cursor instance await manager.startNewInstance() // Get all running instances const instances = await manager.getRunningInstances() // Focus a specific instance await manager.focusInstance(instances[0]) // Close all instances await manager.closeAllInstances()

Window Management

import { WindowManager } from 'cursor-mcp' const windowManager = WindowManager.getInstance() // Find all Cursor windows const windows = await windowManager.findCursorWindows() // Focus a window await windowManager.focusWindow(windows[0]) // Arrange windows side by side await windowManager.arrangeWindows(windows, 'sideBySide') // Minimize all windows for (const window of windows) { await windowManager.minimizeWindow(window) }

Input Automation

import { InputAutomationService } from 'cursor-mcp' const inputService = InputAutomationService.getInstance() // Type text await inputService.typeText('Hello, World!') // Send keyboard shortcuts if (process.platform === 'darwin') { await inputService.sendKeys(['command', 'c']) } else { await inputService.sendKeys(['control', 'c']) } // Mouse operations await inputService.moveMouse(100, 100) await inputService.mouseClick('left') await inputService.mouseDrag(100, 100, 200, 200)

How It Works

Bridge Architecture

This tool acts as a middleware layer between Cursor and MCP servers:

  1. Cursor Integration:

    • Monitors Cursor’s file system events
    • Captures editor state and context
    • Injects responses back into the editor
    • Manages window and process automation
  2. MCP Protocol Translation:

    • Translates Cursor’s internal events into MCP protocol messages
    • Converts MCP responses into Cursor-compatible actions
    • Maintains session state and context
    • Handles authentication and security
  3. Server Communication:

    • Connects to Claude’s desktop app MCP server
    • Routes requests to appropriate AI providers
    • Manages concurrent connections to multiple MCPs
    • Handles fallbacks and error recovery

Example Workflow

  1. Code Completion Request:

    // 1. Cursor Event (File Change) // When user types in Cursor: function calculateTotal(items) { // Calculate the total price of items| <-- cursor position // 2. Bridge Translation const event = { type: 'completion_request', context: { file: 'shopping-cart.ts', line: 2, prefix: '// Calculate the total price of items', language: 'typescript', cursor_position: 43 } } // 3. MCP Protocol Message await'generate_completion', { prompt: event.context, max_tokens: 150, temperature: 0.7 }) // 4. Response Translation // Bridge converts MCP response: const response = `return items.reduce((total, item) => { return total + (item.price * item.quantity); }, 0);` // 5. Cursor Integration // Bridge injects the code at cursor position
  2. Code Refactoring:

    // 1. Cursor Event (Command) // User selects code and triggers refactor command const oldCode = ` if (user.age >= 18) { if (user.hasLicense) { if (car.isAvailable) { rentCar(user, car); } } } ` // 2. Bridge Translation const event = { type: 'refactor_request', context: { selection: oldCode, command: 'simplify_nesting' } } // 3. MCP Protocol Message await'refactor_code', { code: event.context.selection, style: 'simplified', maintain_logic: true }) // 4. Response Translation const response = ` const canRentCar = user.age >= 18 && user.hasLicense && car.isAvailable; if (canRentCar) { rentCar(user, car); } ` // 5. Cursor Integration // Bridge replaces selected code
  3. Multi-File Context:

    // 1. Cursor Event (File Dependencies) // When user requests help with a component // 2. Bridge Translation const event = { type: 'context_request', files: { 'UserProfile.tsx': '...', 'types.ts': '...', 'api.ts': '...' }, focus_file: 'UserProfile.tsx' } // 3. MCP Protocol Message await'analyze_context', { files: event.files, primary_file: event.focus_file, analysis_type: 'component_dependencies' }) // 4. Response Processing // Bridge maintains context across requests

Integration Methods

  1. File System Monitoring:

    import { FileSystemWatcher } from 'cursor-mcp/watcher' const watcher = new FileSystemWatcher({ paths: ['/path/to/cursor/workspace'], events: ['change', 'create', 'delete'] }) watcher.on('change', async (event) => { const mcpMessage = await bridge.translateEvent(event) await mcpServer.send(mcpMessage) })
  2. Window Integration:

    import { CursorWindow } from 'cursor-mcp/window' const window = new CursorWindow() // Inject AI responses await window.injectCode({ position: cursorPosition, code: mcpResponse.code, animate: true // Smooth typing animation }) // Handle user interactions window.onCommand('refactor', async (selection) => { const mcpMessage = await bridge.createRefactorRequest(selection) const response = await mcpServer.send(mcpMessage) await window.applyRefactoring(response) })
  3. Context Management:

    import { ContextManager } from 'cursor-mcp/context' const context = new ContextManager() // Track file dependencies await context.addFile('component.tsx') await context.trackDependencies() // Maintain conversation history context.addMessage({ role: 'user', content: 'Refactor this component' }) // Send to MCP server const response = await mcpServer.send({ type: 'refactor', context: context.getFullContext() })


  • Secure token-based authentication for AI services
  • Encrypted communication channels
  • Sandboxed execution environment
  • Fine-grained permission controls



  • Windows 10 or later
  • Node.js 18 or later
  • Administrator privileges for installation


  • macOS 10.15 (Catalina) or later
  • Node.js 18 or later
  • Xcode Command Line Tools
  • Accessibility permissions for Terminal


  • X11 display server
  • Node.js 18 or later
  • xdotool
  • libxtst-dev
  • libpng++-dev
  • build-essential



# Clone the repository git clone cd cursor-mcp # Install dependencies npm install # Build the project npm run build # Run tests npm test

Running Tests

# Run all tests npm test # Run specific test suite npm test -- window-management # Run with coverage npm run test:coverage


We welcome contributions! Please see our Contributing Guide for details.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.



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