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MCP ServersCommunityMCP Server Template for Cursor IDE

MCP Server Template for Cursor IDE

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A simple template for creating custom tools for Cursor IDE using Model Context Protocol (MCP). Create your own repository from this template, modify the tools, and connect them to your Cursor IDE.

Server Mood Response

Quick Start

  1. Click β€œDeploy to Heroku” button

    Deploy to Heroku

  2. After deployment, configure Cursor:

    • Open Cursor Settings β†’ Features
    • Add new MCP server
    • Use your Heroku URL with /sse path (e.g., https://<your-app-name>
  3. Test your agent’s mood in Cursor:

    • Ask your agent β€œPlease ask about our server mood and let me know how it is.”
    • The server will respond with a cheerful message and a heart ❀️

Alternative Setup Methods

You can run the server in three ways: using Docker, traditional Python setup, or directly in Cursor IDE.

Docker Setup

The project includes Docker support for easy deployment:

  1. Initial setup:
# Clone the repository git clone cd weaviate-mcp-server # Create environment file cp .env.example .env
  1. Build and run using Docker Compose:
# Build and start the server docker compose up --build -d # View logs docker compose logs -f # Check server status docker compose ps # Stop the server docker compose down
  1. The server will be available at:

  2. Quick test:

# Test the server endpoint curl -i http://localhost:8000/sse
  1. Connect to Cursor IDE:
    • Open Cursor Settings β†’ Features
    • Add new MCP server
    • Type: Select β€œsse”
    • URL: Enter http://localhost:8000/sse

Traditional Setup

First, install the uv package manager:

# Install uv on macOS brew install uv # Or install via pip (any OS) pip install uv

Start the server using either stdio (default) or SSE transport:

# Install the package with development dependencies uv pip install -e ".[dev]" # Using stdio transport (default) uv run mcp-simple-tool # Using SSE transport on custom port uv run mcp-simple-tool --transport sse --port 8000 # Run tests uv run pytest -v

After installation, you can connect the server directly to Cursor IDE:

  1. Right-click on the file in Cursor
  2. Select β€œCopy Path” to copy the absolute path
  3. Open Cursor Settings (gear icon)
  4. Navigate to Features tab
  5. Scroll down to β€œMCP Servers”
  6. Click β€œAdd new MCP server”
  7. Fill in the form:
    • Name: Choose any name (e.g., β€œmy-mcp-server-1”)
    • Type: Select β€œstdio” (not β€œsse” because we run the server locally)
    • Command: Paste the absolute path to that you copied earlier. For example: /Users/kirillmarkin/weaviate-mcp-server/

Environment Variables

Available environment variables (can be set in .env):

  • MCP_SERVER_PORT (default: 8000) - Port to run the server on
  • MCP_SERVER_HOST (default: - Host to bind the server to
  • DEBUG (default: false) - Enable debug mode
  • MCP_USER_AGENT - Custom User-Agent for website fetching

Additional options

Installing via Smithery

smithery badge

To install MCP Server Template for Cursor IDE for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery :

npx -y @smithery/cli install @kirill-markin/example-mcp-server --client claude

Glama server review

Server Template for Cursor IDE MCP server

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