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MCP ServersCommunityNetskope NPA MCP Server

Netskope NPA MCP Server

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A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for managing Netskope Network Private Access (NPA) infrastructure through Large Language Models (LLMs).


Still lots of work needs to be done for all 50 tools to be operational, i strongly advise against using this with any production environment



Option 1: NPM Package

Install the package using npm:

npm install @johnneerdael/netskope-mcp

Option 2: Local Development

Clone the repository and install dependencies:

git clone cd netskope-mcp npm install npm run build

MCP Configuration

Add the following configuration to your MCP settings file:

Windows with WSL

For NPM installation:

{ "mcpServers": { "netskope-mcp": { "command": "wsl.exe", "args": [ "bash", "-c", "source ~/.nvm/ && NETSKOPE_BASE_URL= NETSKOPE_API_KEY=your-token npx -y @johnneerdael/netskope-mcp" ] } } }

For local development:

{ "mcpServers": { "netskope-mcp": { "command": "wsl.exe", "args": [ "bash", "-c", "cd /path/to/netskope-mcp && NETSKOPE_BASE_URL= NETSKOPE_API_KEY=your-token node dist/cli.js" ] } } }

Linux and macOS

For NPM installation:

{ "mcpServers": { "netskope-mcp": { "command": "npx", "args": ["-y", "@johnneerdael/netskope-mcp"], "env": { "NETSKOPE_BASE_URL": "", "NETSKOPE_API_KEY": "your-token" } } } }

For local development:

{ "mcpServers": { "netskope-mcp": { "command": "node", "args": ["dist/cli.js"], "cwd": "/path/to/netskope-mcp", "env": { "NETSKOPE_BASE_URL": "", "NETSKOPE_API_KEY": "your-token" } } } }

Environment Variables

The Netskope NPA MCP Server requires the following environment variables to be configured for proper operation:

Required Variables


    • Description: The base URL of your Netskope tenant
    • Format: Full URL including protocol
    • Example:
    • Usage: Used for all API communications with your Netskope tenant
    • Note: Must be the complete tenant URL without any path components

    • Description: API token for authentication with Netskope services
    • Format: String token from Netskope admin console
    • Example: 030f31f7d57fd94834af57a3edc4bbda
    • Usage: Required for authenticating all API requests
    • Security Note: Keep this token secure and never commit it to version control

Configuration Examples

Development Environment

export NETSKOPE_BASE_URL="" export NETSKOPE_API_KEY="your-development-token"

Production Environment

export NETSKOPE_BASE_URL="" export NETSKOPE_API_KEY="your-production-token"


  • getAlertConfig

    • Description: Retrieves the current alert configuration settings for publishers, including notification preferences for various events such as upgrades and connection status changes.
    • Required Parameters: None
    • Response Schema:
      { adminUsers: string[], // Array of admin user emails to notify eventTypes: string[], // Array of event types to monitor selectedUsers: string // Additional users to notify }
    • Event Types:
      • UPGRADE_WILL_START: Notification before a publisher upgrade begins
      • UPGRADE_STARTED: Notification when upgrade process initiates
      • UPGRADE_SUCCEEDED: Notification upon successful upgrade completion
      • UPGRADE_FAILED: Notification if upgrade process fails
      • CONNECTION_FAILED: Notification when publisher connection issues occur
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œCheck which administrators are configured to receive upgrade notifications: Use getAlertConfig to return the current list of admin users and their notification preferences.”
      2. β€œVerify the alert configuration before a planned maintenance window: Use getAlertConfig to ensure the right team members will be notified of upgrade events.”
      3. β€œAudit the publisher monitoring setup: Use getAlertConfig to show which critical events are being tracked and who receives notifications.”
  • updateAlertConfig

    • Description: Updates the alert configuration settings for publishers, allowing customization of notification preferences for various system events including upgrades and connection status changes.
    • Required Parameters:
      { adminUsers: string[], // Array of admin user emails to receive notifications eventTypes: string[], // Array of event types to monitor selectedUsers: string // Additional users to receive notifications }
    • Response Schema: Same as getAlertConfig
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œConfigure notifications: Update alert settings to ensure critical events are properly monitored.”
      2. β€œModify recipients: Adjust the list of administrators who receive specific types of alerts.”
      3. β€œEvent selection: Customize which event types trigger notifications for different user groups.”


  • listLocalBrokers

    • Description: Lists all configured local brokers in your Netskope environment. Local brokers are used for on-premises Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) scenarios where end-users connect to a Local Broker instead of a Cloud Broker to access private applications hosted on-premises.
    • Required Parameters: None
    • Optional Parameters:
      • fields: Array of specific fields to return in the response
    • Response Schema:
      { status: 'success' | 'not found', total: number, data: Array<{ id: number, // Unique identifier for the local broker name: string, // Display name of the local broker common_name: string, // Common name used for broker identification registered: boolean // Registration status of the broker }> }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œMonitor your local broker deployment by listing your local brokers to get an overview of all registered brokers and their current status.”
      2. β€œVerify high availability setup: Check if you have multiple local brokers configured per site by reviewing the list of deployed brokers.”
      3. β€œAudit broker registration: List all local brokers to identify any unregistered instances that need attention.”
  • createLocalBroker

    • Description: Creates a new local broker instance for handling on-premises ZTNA traffic. This is typically used when setting up new sites or expanding capacity for existing locations.
    • Required Parameters:
      { name: string // Name for the new local broker }
    • Response Schema:
      { status: 'success' | 'not found', data: { id: number, // Assigned unique identifier name: string, // Configured broker name common_name: string, // Assigned common name registered: boolean // Initial registration status } }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œDeploy a new site: Create a local broker twice to ensure high availability for a new office location.”
      2. β€œExpand capacity: Add additional local brokers to handle increased on-premises traffic by creating new broker instances.”
      3. β€œInitialize HA setup: Create multiple local brokers with descriptive names indicating their site and role.”
  • getLocalBroker

    • Description: Retrieves detailed information about a specific local broker by its ID. Use this to monitor the status and configuration of individual broker instances.
    • Required Parameters:
      • id: Numeric identifier of the local broker to retrieve
    • Response Schema:
      { status: 'success' | 'not found', data: { id: number, // Broker's unique identifier name: string, // Broker's display name common_name: string, // Broker's common name registered: boolean // Current registration status } }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œCheck broker health: Retrieve specific broker details to verify its registration status and configuration.”
      2. β€œTroubleshoot connectivity: Get detailed information about a broker that’s experiencing issues.”
      3. β€œVerify deployment: Confirm the successful creation of a new broker by retrieving its details.”
  • updateLocalBroker

    • Description: Updates the configuration of an existing local broker. This allows you to modify broker settings such as its name while maintaining its identity and connections.
    • Required Parameters:
      { id: number, // Identifier of broker to update name: string // New name for the broker }
    • Response Schema:
      { status: 'success' | 'not found', data: { id: number, // Broker's identifier name: string, // Updated broker name common_name: string, // Broker's common name registered: boolean // Current registration status } }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œRename for clarity: Update a broker’s name to better reflect its location or role in your infrastructure.”
      2. β€œStandardize naming: Modify broker names to follow updated naming conventions across your organization.”
      3. β€œUpdate HA pair: Adjust broker names to clearly indicate primary and secondary roles.”
  • deleteLocalBroker

    • Description: Removes a local broker from your Netskope configuration. Use this when decommissioning brokers or cleaning up unused instances.
    • Required Parameters:
      • id: Numeric identifier of the local broker to delete
    • Response Schema:
      { status: 'success' | 'not found' }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œDecommission old brokers: Remove brokers that are no longer needed or have been replaced.”
      2. β€œClean up test instances: Delete temporary brokers created for testing purposes.”
      3. β€œSite consolidation: Remove brokers from decommissioned locations while maintaining service at active sites.”
  • getBrokerConfig

    • Description: Retrieves the global configuration settings for local brokers, including hostname configurations that affect all broker instances.
    • Required Parameters: None
    • Response Schema:
      { status: 'success' | 'not found', data: { hostname: string // Global hostname configuration } }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œReview global settings: Check the current hostname configuration affecting all local brokers.”
      2. β€œPrepare for changes: Verify existing configuration before planning updates.”
      3. β€œAudit configuration: Ensure hostname settings align with your network architecture.”
  • updateBrokerConfig

    • Description: Updates the global configuration settings for all local brokers, allowing you to modify system-wide broker behavior.
    • Required Parameters:
      { hostname: string // New hostname configuration }
    • Response Schema:
      { status: 'success' | 'not found', data: { hostname: string // Updated hostname configuration } }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œModify global settings: Update the hostname configuration to reflect network changes.”
      2. β€œInfrastructure updates: Adjust broker configurations to accommodate new networking requirements.”
      3. β€œStandardize setup: Ensure consistent hostname configuration across all broker instances.”
  • generateLocalBrokerRegistrationToken

    • Description: Generates a new registration token for a specific local broker, enabling secure registration with the Netskope management plane.
    • Required Parameters:
      • id: Numeric identifier of the local broker
    • Response Schema:
      { status: 'success' | 'not found', data: { token: string // Generated registration token } }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œSecure new broker: Generate a token to safely register a newly deployed local broker.”
      2. β€œRe-register broker: Create a new token when needing to re-establish broker registration.”
      3. β€œToken rotation: Generate new registration tokens as part of security maintenance.”


  • listRules

    • Description: Lists all policy rules configured in your Netskope Private Access environment. These rules define access controls for private applications using Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) principles.
    • Required Parameters: None
    • Optional Parameters:
      • fields: Array of specific fields to return
      • filter: Filter criteria for the rules
      • limit: Maximum number of rules to return
      • offset: Number of rules to skip
      • sortby: Field to sort by
      • sortorder: Sort direction (β€˜asc’ or β€˜desc’)
    • Response Schema:
      { data: { rules: Array<{ id: number, name: string, description?: string, enabled: boolean, action: 'allow' | 'block', policy_group_id: number, priority: number, conditions: Array<{ type: 'private_app' | 'user' | 'group' | 'organization_unit' | 'location' | 'device', operator: 'in' | 'not_in' | 'equals' | 'not_equals' | 'contains' | 'not_contains' | 'starts_with' | 'ends_with', value: string | string[] | number | number[] }>, created_at: string, updated_at: string }> }, status: 'success' | 'error', total: number }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œAudit access policies to review all configured rules and their conditions to ensure proper access controls.”
      2. β€œPrioritize rules: List rules sorted by priority to understand the order of policy evaluation and identify potential conflicts.”
      3. β€œFilter specific policies: Retrieve rules related to specific applications or user groups using the filter parameter.”
  • getRule

    • Description: Retrieves detailed information about a specific policy rule by its ID. Use this to examine individual rule configurations and conditions.
    • Required Parameters:
      • id: Numeric identifier of the policy rule
    • Optional Parameters:
      • fields: Array of specific fields to return
    • Response Schema:
      { data: { id: number, name: string, description?: string, enabled: boolean, action: 'allow' | 'block', policy_group_id: number, priority: number, conditions: Array<{ type: 'private_app' | 'user' | 'group' | 'organization_unit' | 'location' | 'device', operator: 'in' | 'not_in' | 'equals' | 'not_equals' | 'contains' | 'not_contains' | 'starts_with' | 'ends_with', value: string | string[] | number | number[] }>, created_at: string, updated_at: string }, status: 'success' | 'error' }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œTroubleshoot access issues: Examine specific rule details to understand why access might be blocked or allowed.”
      2. β€œVerify rule conditions: Check the exact conditions configured for a critical access policy.”
      3. β€œReview rule history: Check creation and update timestamps to track policy changes.”
  • createRule

    • Description: Creates a new policy rule to control access to private applications. Rules can be based on various conditions including user identity, device status, and location.
    • Required Parameters:
      { name: string, // Rule name description?: string, // Optional rule description enabled: boolean, // Rule status action: 'allow' | 'block', // Access action policy_group_id: number, // Associated policy group priority: number, // Rule priority conditions: Array<{ type: 'private_app' | 'user' | 'group' | 'organization_unit' | 'location' | 'device', operator: 'in' | 'not_in' | 'equals' | 'not_equals' | 'contains' | 'not_contains' | 'starts_with' | 'ends_with', value: string | string[] | number | number[] }> }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œImplement least privilege access: Create rules that grant access only to specific applications based on user roles and device status.”
      2. β€œSet up location-based policies: Define rules that restrict access based on user location for compliance requirements.”
      3. β€œConfigure group-based access: Create rules that allow specific user groups to access designated private applications.”
  • updateRule

    • Description: Updates an existing policy rule’s configuration. Use this to modify access controls, conditions, or rule properties.
    • Required Parameters:
      • id: Numeric identifier of the rule to update
      • data: Updated rule configuration following the same schema as create_rule
    • Response Schema:
      { data: { // Updated rule details (same as get_rule response) }, status: 'success' | 'error' }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œAdjust access conditions: Modify rule conditions to accommodate new security requirements or organizational changes.”
      2. β€œUpdate rule priority: Change a rule’s priority to ensure proper policy evaluation order.”
      3. β€œEnable/disable rules: Toggle rule status during maintenance or when implementing policy changes.”
  • deleteRule

    • Description: Removes a policy rule from your configuration. Use with caution as this permanently removes the access control policy.
    • Required Parameters:
      • id: Numeric identifier of the rule to delete
    • Response Schema:
      { status: 'success' | 'error' }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œClean up obsolete policies: Remove rules that are no longer needed or have been superseded by new policies.”
      2. β€œPolicy consolidation: Delete redundant rules after merging policy configurations.”
      3. β€œRemove temporary rules: Clean up temporary access policies created for specific projects or maintenance.”


  • createPrivateApp

    • Description: Creates a new private application in your Netskope environment. This allows you to define and configure applications that will be accessible through your Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) infrastructure.
    • Required Parameters:
      { app_name: string, // Name of the private application host: string, // Host address of the application clientless_access: boolean, // Enable clientless access is_user_portal_app: boolean, // Show in user portal protocols: Array<{ port: string, // Port number type: 'tcp' | 'udp' // Protocol type }>, publisher_tags?: Array<{ // Optional publisher tags tag_name: string }>, publishers: Array<{ // Associated publishers publisher_id: string, publisher_name: string }>, trust_self_signed_certs: boolean, // Trust self-signed certificates use_publisher_dns: boolean, // Use publisher DNS allow_unauthenticated_cors?: boolean, // Optional CORS settings allow_uri_bypass?: boolean, // Optional URI bypass bypass_uris?: string[], // Optional bypass URIs real_host?: string, // Optional real host app_option?: Record<string, unknown> // Additional options }
    • Response Schema:
      { data: { allow_unauthenticated_cors: boolean, allow_uri_bypass: boolean, uribypass_header_value: string, bypass_uris: string[], app_option: Record<string, unknown>, clientless_access: boolean, host: string, id: number, is_user_portal_app: boolean, name: string, protocols: Array<{ ports: string[], type: string }>, real_host: string, service_publisher_assignments: Array<{ primary: boolean, publisher_id: number, publisher_name: string, reachability: { error_code: number, error_string: string, reachable: boolean }, service_id: number }>, tags: Array<{ tag_id: number, tag_name: string }>, trust_self_signed_certs: boolean, use_publisher_dns: boolean }, status: 'success' | 'not found' }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œDeploy internal application: Create a private app definition for an internal web service with specific protocol and security settings.”
      2. β€œConfigure high availability: Set up a private application with multiple publishers for redundancy.”
      3. β€œEnable secure access: Create a private app with strict security settings and specific bypass rules.”
  • updatePrivateApp

    • Description: Updates the configuration of an existing private application, allowing modification of access settings, protocols, and security parameters.
    • Required Parameters:
      { id: number, // Application ID // All other fields same as create_private_app }
    • Response Schema: Same as create_private_app
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œModify security settings: Update certificate trust settings and CORS configuration for enhanced security.”
      2. β€œAdjust access parameters: Update protocols or bypass rules to accommodate changing requirements.”
      3. β€œPublisher reassignment: Modify the list of publishers handling the application traffic.”
  • deletePrivateApp

    • Description: Removes a private application from your Netskope configuration. This action permanently removes the application definition and associated access controls.
    • Required Parameters:
      • id: Numeric identifier of the private application
    • Response Schema:
      { status: number, result: string }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œDecommission service: Remove a private application that is no longer in use.”
      2. β€œClean up test apps: Delete temporary applications used for testing.”
      3. β€œRemove deprecated services: Clean up old application definitions during infrastructure updates.”
  • getPrivateApp

    • Description: Retrieves detailed configuration information about a specific private application.
    • Required Parameters:
      • id: Numeric identifier of the private application
    • Response Schema: Same as create_private_app response
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œAudit configuration: Review detailed settings of a private application for compliance checks.”
      2. β€œTroubleshoot access: Examine application configuration to resolve connectivity issues.”
      3. β€œVerify settings: Confirm proper configuration after making changes to the application.”
  • listPrivateApps

    • Description: Retrieves a list of all configured private applications with their configurations.
    • Required Parameters: None
    • Optional Parameters:
      • fields: Specific fields to return
      • filter: Filter criteria
      • query: Search query
      • limit: Maximum number of results
      • offset: Number of results to skip
    • Response Schema:
      { data: Array<{ // Same fields as get_private_app response }>, status: 'success' | 'not found', total: number }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œInventory applications: Get a complete list of all private applications for audit purposes.”
      2. β€œFilter by criteria: Search for applications with specific configurations or tags.”
      3. β€œPaginated review: Retrieve applications in manageable chunks for large deployments.”
  • getPrivateAppTags

    • Description: Retrieves all tags associated with private applications, useful for organizing and categorizing applications.
    • Required Parameters: None
    • Optional Parameters:
      • query: Search query for tags
      • limit: Maximum number of tags
      • offset: Number of tags to skip
    • Response Schema:
      { data: Array<{ tag_id: number, tag_name: string }>, status: 'success' | 'not found' }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œList categories: Retrieve all tags to understand application categorization.”
      2. β€œSearch tags: Find specific tags matching certain criteria.”
      3. β€œTag inventory: Review all available tags for standardization purposes.”
  • createPrivateAppTags

    • Description: Associates new tags with a private application for better organization and management.
    • Required Parameters:
      • id: Application identifier
      • tags: Array of tag objects
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œCategorize apps: Add organizational tags to group related applications.”
      2. β€œEnvironment labeling: Tag applications based on their deployment environment.”
      3. β€œTeam assignment: Add tags to indicate which team owns or manages the application.”
  • updatePrivateAppTags

    • Description: Updates the tags associated with one or more private applications.
    • Required Parameters:
      • ids: Array of application identifiers
      • tags: Array of updated tag objects
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œBulk tag update: Modify tags for multiple applications simultaneously.”
      2. β€œTag standardization: Update tags to conform to new naming conventions.”
      3. β€œOwnership changes: Update tags to reflect new team assignments.”
  • updatePrivateAppPublishers

    • Description: Updates the publisher assignments for private applications, controlling which publishers handle application traffic.
    • Required Parameters:
      { private_app_ids: string[], // Application IDs publisher_ids: string[] // Publisher IDs }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œLoad balancing: Distribute application traffic across multiple publishers.”
      2. β€œPublisher migration: Move applications to new or different publishers.”
      3. β€œHA configuration: Add backup publishers for high availability.”
  • deletePrivateAppPublishers

    • Description: Removes publisher assignments from private applications.
    • Required Parameters:
      { private_app_ids: string[], // Application IDs publisher_ids: string[] // Publisher IDs to remove }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œPublisher decommission: Remove old publishers from application configurations.”
      2. β€œClean up assignments: Remove unnecessary publisher assignments.”
      3. β€œReconfigure routing: Remove publishers during traffic flow updates.”
  • getDiscoverySettings

    • Description: Retrieves the current discovery settings for private applications, which control how applications are discovered and monitored.
    • Required Parameters: None
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œReview discovery: Check current application discovery configuration.”
      2. β€œAudit settings: Verify discovery parameters for compliance.”
      3. β€œMonitor configuration: Examine how applications are being discovered and tracked.”
  • getPolicyInUse

    • Description: Retrieves the active policies associated with specified private applications.
    • Required Parameters:
      • ids: Array of application identifiers
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œPolicy audit: Review which policies are affecting specific applications.”
      2. β€œAccess control review: Verify policy assignments for security compliance.”
      3. β€œTroubleshoot access: Check policies when investigating access issues.”


  • listPublishers

    • Description: Lists all publishers configured in your Netskope environment. Publishers are the components that handle private application traffic and require proper management for optimal performance.
    • Required Parameters: None
    • Optional Parameters:
      • fields: Specific fields to return in the response
    • Response Schema:
      { data: { publishers: Array<{ apps_count: number, assessment: { ca_certs_status: { hashes: string[], last_modified: number }, eee_support: boolean, hdd_free: string, hdd_total: string, ip_address: string, latency: number, version: string }, capabilities: { DTLS: boolean, EEE: boolean, auto_upgrade: boolean, nwa_ba: boolean, pull_nsconfig: { orgkey_exist: boolean, orguri_exist: boolean } }, common_name: string, connected_apps: string[], id: number, lbrokerconnect: boolean, name: string, publisher_upgrade_profiles_id: number, registered: boolean, status: 'connected' | 'not registered', stitcher_id: number, sticher_pop: string, upgrade_request: boolean, upgrade_status: { upstat: string } }> }, status: 'success' | 'not found', total: number }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œMonitor deployment: List all publishers to check their connection status and capabilities.”
      2. β€œAudit configuration: Review publisher settings and associated applications.”
      3. β€œCapacity planning: Check the number of apps and load across publishers.”
  • getPublisher

    • Description: Retrieves detailed information about a specific publisher, including its configuration, status, and capabilities.
    • Required Parameters:
      • id: Numeric identifier of the publisher
    • Response Schema: Same as individual publisher in list_publishers response
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œHealth check: Get detailed status information for a specific publisher.”
      2. β€œTroubleshoot connectivity: Examine publisher capabilities and connection status.”
      3. β€œVersion verification: Check publisher version and upgrade status.”
  • createPublisher

    • Description: Creates a new publisher instance in your Netskope environment.
    • Required Parameters:
      { name: string, // Publisher name lbrokerconnect?: boolean, // Optional local broker connection publisher_upgrade_profiles_id?: number // Optional upgrade profile assignment }
    • Response Schema: Same as get_publisher response
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œDeploy new publisher: Create a publisher for a new data center location.”
      2. β€œExpand capacity: Add publishers to handle increased application traffic.”
      3. β€œConfigure HA: Create additional publishers for high availability setup.”
  • patchPublisher

    • Description: Partially updates a publisher’s configuration, allowing modification of specific settings while maintaining others.
    • Required Parameters:
      { name: string, // Publisher name id?: number, // Optional publisher ID lbrokerconnect?: boolean, // Optional local broker connection publisher_upgrade_profiles_id?: number // Optional upgrade profile assignment }
    • Response Schema: Same as get_publisher response
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œUpdate name: Change publisher name to match new naming convention.”
      2. β€œModify connection: Update local broker connection settings.”
      3. β€œAssign profile: Link publisher to an upgrade profile.”
  • updatePublisher

    • Description: Performs a complete update of a publisher’s configuration, replacing all settings with the provided values.
    • Required Parameters:
      { id: number, // Publisher ID name: string, // Publisher name lbrokerconnect?: boolean, // Optional local broker connection tags?: Array<{ // Optional tags tag_id: number, tag_name: string }> }
    • Response Schema: Same as get_publisher response
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œFull reconfiguration: Update all publisher settings at once.”
      2. β€œTag management: Update publisher tags and configuration together.”
      3. β€œReset settings: Replace existing configuration with new values.”
  • deletePublisher

    • Description: Removes a publisher from your Netskope configuration. Use with caution as this affects application access.
    • Required Parameters:
      • id: Numeric identifier of the publisher to delete
    • Response Schema:
      { status: 'success' | 'error' }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œDecommission publisher: Remove a publisher that’s being retired.”
      2. β€œClean up test instances: Delete publishers used for testing.”
      3. β€œRemove unused: Clean up publishers that are no longer needed.”
  • bulkUpgradePublishers

    • Description: Initiates upgrades for multiple publishers simultaneously.
    • Required Parameters:
      { publishers: { apply: { upgrade_request: boolean // Whether to request upgrade }, id: string[] // Array of publisher IDs } }
    • Response Schema:
      { data: { publishers: Array<PublisherResponse> }, status: 'success' | 'not found' }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œMass upgrade: Upgrade all publishers in a specific region.”
      2. β€œStaged rollout: Upgrade a subset of publishers at once.”
      3. β€œEmergency patching: Apply critical updates to multiple publishers.”
  • getReleases

    • Description: Retrieves information about available publisher releases.
    • Required Parameters: None
    • Response Schema:
      { data: Array<{ docker_tag: string, is_recommended: boolean, release_type: 'Beta' | 'Latest' | 'Latest-1' | 'Latest-2', version: string }>, status: 'success' | 'not found' }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œVersion planning: Check available releases for upgrade planning.”
      2. β€œRelease tracking: Monitor new versions and recommendations.”
      3. β€œCompatibility check: Verify release types before upgrading.”
  • getPrivateApps

    • Description: Retrieves the list of private applications associated with a specific publisher.
    • Required Parameters:
      • publisherId: Numeric identifier of the publisher
    • Response Schema: Application-specific response
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œApp inventory: List all applications handled by a publisher.”
      2. β€œLoad assessment: Check number and type of apps on a publisher.”
      3. β€œMigration planning: Review apps before moving to a different publisher.”
  • generatePublisherRegistrationToken

    • Description: Creates a new registration token for a publisher, enabling secure registration with the Netskope control plane.
    • Required Parameters:
      • publisherId: Numeric identifier of the publisher
    • Response Schema:
      { data: { token: string // Registration token }, status: string }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œInitial setup: Generate token for new publisher registration.”
      2. β€œRe-registration: Create new token for publisher reconnection.”
      3. β€œSecurity refresh: Rotate registration tokens periodically.”


  • listUpgradeProfiles

    • Description: Lists all upgrade profiles configured in your Netskope environment. Upgrade profiles define when and how publisher upgrades are performed.
    • Required Parameters: None
    • Response Schema:
      { data: { upgrade_profiles: Array<{ id: number, external_id: number, name: string, docker_tag: string, enabled: boolean, frequency: string, // Cron format: minute hour day * DAY_OF_WEEK timezone: string, // Standard timezone identifier release_type: 'Beta' | 'Latest' | 'Latest-1' | 'Latest-2', created_at: string, updated_at: string, next_update_time?: number, num_associated_publisher: number, upgrading_stage?: number, will_start?: boolean }> }, status: 'success' | 'not found', total: number }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œReview upgrade schedules: List all profiles to understand when different publishers are scheduled for upgrades.”
      2. β€œAudit configurations: Check all upgrade profiles for consistency in settings and schedules.”
      3. β€œMonitor upgrade status: View which profiles are actively upgrading or scheduled for updates.”
  • getUpgradeProfile

    • Description: Retrieves detailed information about a specific upgrade profile, including its schedule and configuration.
    • Required Parameters:
      • id: Numeric identifier of the upgrade profile
    • Response Schema: Same as individual profile in list_upgrade_profiles
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œVerify settings: Check specific profile configuration before an upgrade window.”
      2. β€œTroubleshoot upgrades: Examine profile details when investigating upgrade issues.”
      3. β€œMonitor progress: Track the status of an ongoing upgrade process.”
  • createUpgradeProfile

    • Description: Creates a new upgrade profile to manage automated publisher upgrades. Profiles control when and how updates are applied to publishers.
    • Required Parameters:
      { name: string, // Profile name enabled: boolean, // Profile status docker_tag: string, // Docker image tag for upgrade frequency: string, // Cron schedule format timezone: string, // Timezone for schedule release_type: 'Beta' | 'Latest' | 'Latest-1' | 'Latest-2' }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œSchedule maintenance: Create a profile for regular off-hours upgrades.”
      2. β€œBeta testing: Set up a profile for testing new releases on selected publishers.”
      3. β€œRegional updates: Create profiles aligned with different timezone maintenance windows.”
  • updateUpgradeProfile

    • Description: Updates an existing upgrade profile’s configuration, allowing modification of schedule, release type, and other settings.
    • Required Parameters:
      • id: Profile identifier
      • data: Updated profile configuration (same schema as create_upgrade_profile)
    • Response Schema:
      { data: { // Updated profile details (same as get_upgrade_profile response) }, status: 'success' | 'not found' }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œAdjust schedule: Modify upgrade timing to better align with maintenance windows.”
      2. β€œChange release track: Update profile to use a different release type.”
      3. β€œEnable/disable upgrades: Toggle profile status during change freeze periods.”
  • deleteUpgradeProfile

    • Description: Removes an upgrade profile from your configuration. Use with caution as this affects automated upgrade scheduling.
    • Required Parameters:
      • id: Numeric identifier of the profile to delete
    • Response Schema:
      { status: 'success' | 'not found' }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œRemove obsolete profiles: Clean up unused upgrade configurations.”
      2. β€œProfile consolidation: Delete redundant profiles after consolidating upgrade schedules.”
      3. β€œClean up test profiles: Remove temporary profiles used for upgrade testing.”


  • updatePublisherAssociation

    • Description: Updates the association between private applications and publishers, allowing you to modify which publishers handle specific application traffic.
    • Required Parameters:
      { private_app_ids: string[], // Array of private application IDs publisher_ids: string[] // Array of publisher IDs }
    • Response Schema:
      { status: 'success' | 'error', data: { private_app_ids: string[], publisher_ids: string[] } }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œReassign publishers: Update which publishers handle specific private applications.”
      2. β€œLoad distribution: Modify publisher assignments for better traffic distribution.”
      3. β€œHA configuration: Set up multiple publishers for application redundancy.”
  • deletePublisherAssociation

    • Description: Removes associations between private applications and publishers, effectively stopping those publishers from handling the applications’ traffic.
    • Required Parameters:
      { private_app_ids: string[], // Array of private application IDs publisher_ids: string[] // Array of publisher IDs to remove }
    • Response Schema: Same as update_publisher_association
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œRemove associations: Stop specific publishers from handling certain applications.”
      2. β€œClean up configuration: Remove unnecessary publisher assignments.”
      3. β€œPrepare for decommission: Remove applications before retiring a publisher.”
  • getUserDiagnostics

    • Description: Retrieves diagnostic information about user access to private applications, helping troubleshoot connectivity issues.
    • Required Parameters: None
    • Response Schema:
      { status: 'success' | 'error', data: { user_id: string, diagnostics: Array<{ private_app_id: string, private_app_name: string, publisher_id: string, publisher_name: string, status: string, timestamp: string }> } }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œAccess troubleshooting: Investigate user connectivity issues to private applications.”
      2. β€œAudit access patterns: Review which publishers users are connecting through.”
      3. β€œMonitor performance: Check connection status and timing for user access.”
  • getDeviceDiagnostics

    • Description: Retrieves diagnostic information about device access to specific private applications.
    • Required Parameters:
      • deviceId: Device identifier
      • privateAppId: Private application identifier
    • Response Schema:
      { status: 'success' | 'error', data: { device_id: string, private_app_id: string, diagnostics: Array<{ publisher_id: string, publisher_name: string, status: string, timestamp: string }> } }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œDevice troubleshooting: Investigate specific device connectivity issues.”
      2. β€œApplication access: Check device-specific access to private applications.”
      3. β€œConnection history: Review device connection patterns and status.”


  • validateName

    • Description: Validates names for various resources (publishers, private apps, policies, etc.) to ensure they meet naming requirements.
    • Required Parameters:
      { resourceType: 'publisher' | 'private_app' | 'policy' | 'policy_group' | 'upgrade_profile', name: string, tagType?: 'publisher' | 'private_app' }
    • Response Schema:
      { status: 'success' | 'error', data: { valid: boolean, message?: string } }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œName validation: Check if a proposed resource name meets requirements.”
      2. β€œTag verification: Validate tag names before creation.”
      3. β€œPolicy naming: Ensure policy names follow conventions.”
  • validateResource

    • Description: Validates complete resource configurations before creation or update operations.
    • Required Parameters:
      { resourceType: 'publisher' | 'private_app' | 'policy' | 'policy_group' | 'upgrade_profile', data: { name: string, // Additional resource-specific fields } }
    • Response Schema:
      { status: 'success' | 'error', data: { valid: boolean, errors?: string[] } }
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œConfiguration validation: Verify resource settings before creation.”
      2. β€œUpdate verification: Validate changes before applying updates.”
      3. β€œCompliance check: Ensure resources meet required standards.”
  • searchResources

    • Description: Searches for publishers or private applications based on specified criteria.
    • Required Parameters:
      { resourceType: 'publishers' | 'private_apps', query: string }
    • Response Schema: Resource-specific response format
    • Usage Examples:
      1. β€œResource search: Find resources matching specific criteria.”
      2. β€œPublisher lookup: Search for publishers by name or attributes.”
      3. β€œApplication discovery: Find private apps matching search terms.”
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