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MCP ServersCommunityHoneycomb MCP Server

Honeycomb MCP Server

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A Model Context Protocol  server for interacting with Honeycomb observability data. This server enables LLMs like Claude to directly analyze and query your Honeycomb datasets across multiple environments.


  • Query Honeycomb datasets across multiple environments
  • Analyze columns and data patterns
  • Run analytics queries with support for:
    • Multiple calculation types (COUNT, AVG, P95, etc.)
    • Breakdowns and filters
    • Time-based analysis
  • Monitor SLOs and their status
  • View and analyze Triggers
  • Access dataset metadata and schema information


pnpm install pnpm run build


Create a configuration file at .mcp-honeycomb.json in one of these locations:

  • Current directory
  • Home directory (~/.mcp-honeycomb.json)
  • Custom location specified by MCP_HONEYCOMB_CONFIG environment variable

Example configuration:

{ "environments": [ { "name": "production", "apiKey": "your_prod_api_key" }, { "name": "staging", "apiKey": "your_staging_api_key" } ] }


With Claude or other MCP Clients

The server exposes both resources and tools for interacting with Honeycomb data.


Access Honeycomb datasets using URIs in the format: honeycomb://{environment}/{dataset}

For example:

  • honeycomb://production/api-requests
  • honeycomb://staging/backend-services

The resource response includes:

  • Dataset name
  • Column information (name, type, description)
  • Schema details


  • list_datasets: List all datasets in an environment

    { "environment": "production" }
  • get_columns: Get column information for a dataset

    { "environment": "production", "dataset": "api-requests" }
  • run_query: Run analytics queries with rich options

    { "environment": "production", "dataset": "api-requests", "calculations": [ { "op": "COUNT" }, { "op": "P95", "column": "duration_ms" } ], "breakdowns": [""], "time_range": 3600 }
  • analyze_column: Get statistical analysis of a column

    { "environment": "production", "dataset": "api-requests", "column": "duration_ms" }
  • list_slos: List all SLOs for a dataset

    { "environment": "production", "dataset": "api-requests" }
  • get_slo: Get detailed SLO information

    { "environment": "production", "dataset": "api-requests", "sloId": "abc123" }
  • list_triggers: List all triggers for a dataset

    { "environment": "production", "dataset": "api-requests" }
  • get_trigger: Get detailed trigger information

    { "environment": "production", "dataset": "api-requests", "triggerId": "xyz789" }

Example Queries

Ask Claude things like:

  • β€œWhat datasets are available in the production environment?”
  • β€œShow me the P95 latency for the API service over the last hour”
  • β€œWhat’s the error rate broken down by service name?”
  • β€œAre there any SLOs close to breaching their budget?”
  • β€œShow me all active triggers in the staging environment”
  • β€œWhat columns are available in the production API dataset?”


pnpm install pnpm run build


  • Node.js 16+
  • Honeycomb API keys with appropriate permissions:
    • Query access for analytics
    • Read access for SLOs and Triggers
    • Environment-level access for dataset operations



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