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MCP ServersCommunityTransistor MCP Server

Transistor MCP Server

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This MCP server provides tools to interact with the  API, allowing you to manage podcasts, episodes, and view analytics.


Add the server to your MCP settings configuration file with your Transistor API key:

{ "mcpServers": { "transistor": { "command": "node", "args": ["path/to/Transistor-MCP/build/index.js"], "env": { "TRANSISTOR_API_KEY": "your-api-key-here" } } } }

Available Tools


Get details of the authenticated user account.

{ // No parameters needed }


Get a pre-signed URL for uploading an audio file. Use this before creating an episode with a local audio file.

{ "filename": string // Required: Name of the audio file to upload }

Response includes:

  • upload_url: Pre-signed S3 URL for uploading the file
  • content_type: Content type to use when uploading (e.g., β€œaudio/mpeg”)
  • expires_in: Time in seconds until the upload URL expires
  • audio_url: Final URL to use when creating the episode


List all shows in your account, ordered by updated date (newest first). Returns a paginated list with 10 items per page.

{ "page": number, // Optional, defaults to 0 (first page) "per": number, // Optional, defaults to 10 items per page "private": boolean, // Optional: filter for private shows "query": string // Optional: search query }

Note: All parameters are optional. Calling this endpoint without parameters will return the first page of shows.


List episodes for a specific show.

{ "show_id": string, // Required "page": number, // Optional, defaults to 0 "per": number, // Optional, defaults to 10 "query": string, // Optional: search query "status": string, // Optional: "published", "draft", or "scheduled" "order": string // Optional: "desc" (newest first) or "asc" (oldest first), defaults to "desc" }


Get detailed information about a specific episode.

{ "episode_id": string, // Required "include": string[], // Optional: array of related resources to include "fields": { // Optional: sparse fieldsets "episode": string[], // Fields to include for episode "show": string[] // Fields to include for show } }


Get analytics for a show or specific episode. Defaults to the last 14 days if no dates are provided.

{ "show_id": string, // Required "episode_id": string, // Optional: include for episode-specific analytics "start_date": string, // Optional: format "dd-mm-yyyy", required if end_date is provided "end_date": string // Optional: format "dd-mm-yyyy", required if start_date is provided }


Create a new episode.

{ "show_id": string, // Required "title": string, // Required "audio_url": string, // Required "summary": string, // Optional "description": string, // Optional: may contain HTML "transcript_text": string, // Optional: full episode transcript "author": string, // Optional "explicit": boolean, // Optional "image_url": string, // Optional: episode artwork "keywords": string, // Optional: comma-separated list "number": number, // Optional: episode number "season_number": number, // Optional "type": string, // Optional: "full", "trailer", or "bonus" "alternate_url": string, // Optional: override share_url "video_url": string, // Optional: YouTube URL "email_notifications": boolean, // Optional: override show setting "increment_number": boolean // Optional: auto-set next episode number }


Update an existing episode.

{ "episode_id": string, // Required "title": string, // Optional "summary": string, // Optional "description": string, // Optional: may contain HTML "transcript_text": string, // Optional: full episode transcript "author": string, // Optional "explicit": boolean, // Optional "image_url": string, // Optional: episode artwork "keywords": string, // Optional: comma-separated list "number": number, // Optional: episode number "season_number": number, // Optional "type": string, // Optional: "full", "trailer", or "bonus" "alternate_url": string, // Optional: override share_url "video_url": string, // Optional: YouTube URL "email_notifications": boolean // Optional: override show setting }


Get analytics for all episodes of a show. Defaults to the last 7 days if no dates are provided.

{ "show_id": string, // Required "start_date": string, // Optional: format "dd-mm-yyyy", required if end_date is provided "end_date": string // Optional: format "dd-mm-yyyy", required if start_date is provided }


List all webhooks for a show.

{ "show_id": string // Required }


Subscribe to a webhook for a show.

{ "event_name": string, // Required: e.g., "episode_created" "show_id": string, // Required "url": string // Required: URL to receive webhook events }


Unsubscribe from a webhook.

{ "webhook_id": string // Required }

Important Notes

  • API requests are rate-limited to 10 requests per 10 seconds (as prescribed by the (,to%20use%20the%20API%20again.)[Transistor  API reference])
  • Dates must be in β€œdd-mm-yyyy” format
  • Page numbers start at 0
  • All endpoints support:
    • Sparse fieldsets: Specify which fields to return using fields[resource_type][]
    • Including related resources: Use include[] to fetch related resources in a single request
  • Include arrays use the format ["resource_name"]
  • Fields objects specify which fields to return for each resource type
  • All tools return data in JSONAPI format with proper relationships and metadata

Example Usage

List shows:

// List first page of shows (default behavior) const result = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "transistor", tool_name: "list_shows", arguments: {} }); // List shows with pagination and filtering const resultWithParams = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "transistor", tool_name: "list_shows", arguments: { page: 1, per: 20, private: true, query: "podcast" } });

Get episode details:

const result = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "transistor", tool_name: "get_episode", arguments: { episode_id: "123456", include: ["show"], fields: { episode: ["title", "summary", "description"], show: ["title"] } } });

Get show analytics:

// Get analytics for the last 14 days (default behavior) const result = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "transistor", tool_name: "get_analytics", arguments: { show_id: "123456" } }); // Get analytics for a specific date range const resultWithDates = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "transistor", tool_name: "get_analytics", arguments: { show_id: "123456", start_date: "01-01-2024", end_date: "31-01-2024" } }); // Get analytics for a specific episode const episodeAnalytics = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "transistor", tool_name: "get_analytics", arguments: { show_id: "123456", episode_id: "789012", start_date: "01-01-2024", end_date: "31-01-2024" } });

Update episode:

const result = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "transistor", tool_name: "update_episode", arguments: { episode_id: "123456", title: "Updated Episode Title", summary: "New episode summary", description: "New detailed description", season_number: 2, episode_number: 5 } });

Get all episode analytics:

// Get analytics for all episodes for the last 7 days (default behavior) const result = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "transistor", tool_name: "get_all_episode_analytics", arguments: { show_id: "123456" } }); // Get analytics for all episodes for a specific date range const resultWithDates = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "transistor", tool_name: "get_all_episode_analytics", arguments: { show_id: "123456", start_date: "01-01-2024", end_date: "31-01-2024" } });

Manage webhooks:

// List webhooks const webhooks = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "transistor", tool_name: "list_webhooks", arguments: { show_id: "123456" } }); // Subscribe to webhook const subscription = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "transistor", tool_name: "subscribe_webhook", arguments: { event_name: "episode_created", show_id: "123456", url: "" } }); // Unsubscribe from webhook const unsubscribe = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "transistor", tool_name: "unsubscribe_webhook", arguments: { webhook_id: "webhook123" } });

Get authenticated user:

const result = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "transistor", tool_name: "get_authenticated_user", arguments: {} });

Authorize audio file upload:

// First, get a pre-signed upload URL const auth = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "transistor", tool_name: "authorize_upload", arguments: { filename: "my-episode.mp3" } }); // Then use the returned upload_url to upload your file via PUT request // Finally, use the returned audio_url when creating your episode: const episode = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "transistor", tool_name: "create_episode", arguments: { show_id: "123456", title: "My New Episode", audio_url: } });

Not Yet Implemented

The following Transistor API features are not yet implemented:

  • Private Episodes functionality (subscribers management)
    • GET /v1/subscribers
    • GET /v1/subscribers/:id
    • POST /v1/subscribers
    • POST /v1/subscribers/batch
    • PATCH /v1/subscribers/:id
    • DELETE /v1/subscribers
    • DELETE /v1/subscribers/:id
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