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MCP ServersCommunityScryfall MCP Server

Scryfall MCP Server

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A Model Context Protocol (MCP)  server for interacting with the Scryfall  API. It provides tools to look up Magic: The Gathering card details, card rulings, and price information.

Scryfall MCP Server


  • search_cards
    Perform a text-based search on Scryfall. Returns a list of matching cards.
  • get_card_by_id
    Retrieve a card directly via its Scryfall UUID.
  • get_card_by_name
    Retrieve a card by exact English name.
  • random_card
    Get a random card from the entire Scryfall database.
  • get_rulings
    Retrieve official rulings for a card, which may clarify card interactions or rules.
  • get_prices_by_id
    Retrieve current pricing information (USD, USD foil, EUR, TIX) for a given card by Scryfall ID.
  • get_prices_by_name
    Retrieve current pricing information (USD, USD foil, EUR, TIX) for a given card by exact name.


The server can be run in two modes:

  1. Standard stdio mode (default)
  2. Server-Sent Events (SSE) mode with HTTP endpoints

Using NPX

If you have Node.js installed locally:

# Stdio mode npx scryfall-mcp-server # SSE mode npx scryfall-mcp-server --sse

Connecting to the Server

Stdio Mode

Your application or environment (like Claude Desktop) can communicate directly via stdio with the server.

SSE Mode

When running in SSE mode (with --sse), you can connect using the MCP CLI:

npx @wong2/mcp-cli --sse http://localhost:3000/sse

The server will be available at:

  • SSE endpoint: http://localhost:3000/sse
  • Message endpoint: http://localhost:3000/messages

Integration in claude_desktop_config.json

Example snippet for stdio mode:

{ "mcpServers": { "scryfall": { "command": "docker", "args": ["run", "-i", "--rm", "mcp/scryfall"] } } }

Or with npx:

{ "mcpServers": { "scryfall": { "command": "npx", "args": ["scryfall-mcp-server"] } } }

Building from Docker

docker build -t mcp/scryfall .

Then you can run in stdio mode:

docker run -i --rm mcp/scryfall

Or in SSE mode:

docker run -i --rm -p 3000:3000 mcp/scryfall --sse


Licensed under the MIT License.

Last updated on