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MCP ServersCommunitymcp-server-esignatures MCP server

mcp-server-esignatures MCP server

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MCP server for eSignatures ( )

Server for eSignatures MCP server


create_contractContractsDraft for review or send contract
query_contractContractsRetrieve contract info
withdraw_contractContractsWithdraw an unsigned contract
delete_contractContractsDelete a draft or test contract
list_recent_contractsContractsList the recent contracts
create_templateTemplatesCreate a new contract template
update_templateTemplatesUpdate an existing template
query_templateTemplatesRetrieve template content and info
delete_templateTemplatesDelete a template
list_templatesTemplatesList all your templates
add_template_collaboratorCollaboratorsInvite someone to edit a template
remove_template_collaboratorCollaboratorsRevoke template editing rights
list_template_collaboratorsCollaboratorsView who can edit a template


Creating a Draft Contract

Generate a draft NDA contract for a publisher, which I can review and send. Signer: John Doe, ACME Corp,

Sending a Contract

Send an NDA based on my template to John Doe, ACME Corp,

Updating templates

Review my templates for legal compliance, and ask me about updating each one individually

Inviting template collaborators

Invite John Doe to edit the NDA template, email:


Create an eSignatures account

Create an eSignatures account at  for free, to test the Agent AI by creating templates and sending test contracts.

Claude Desktop

On MacOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json On Windows: %APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json

Development/Unpublished Servers Configuration
"mcpServers": { "mcp-server-esignatures": { "command": "uv", "env": { "ESIGNATURES_SECRET_TOKEN": "your-esignatures-api-secret-token" }, "args": [ "--directory", "/your-local-directories/mcp-server-esignatures", "run", "mcp-server-esignatures" ] } }

Published Servers Configuration

"mcpServers": { "mcp-server-esignatures": { "command": "uvx", "args": [ "mcp-server-esignatures" ], "env": { "ESIGNATURES_SECRET_TOKEN": "your-esignatures-api-secret-token" } } }


To use this server, you need to set the ESIGNATURES_SECRET_TOKEN environment variable with your eSignatures API secret token.

eSignatures API Documentation

For a detailed guide on API endpoints, parameters, and responses, see eSignatures API .

eSignatures Support

For support, please navigate to Support  or contact


Contributions are welcome! If you’d like to contribute, please fork the repository and make changes as you see fit. Here are some guidelines:

  • Bug Reports: Please open an issue to report any bugs you encounter.
  • Feature Requests: Suggest new features by opening an issue with the β€œenhancement” label.
  • Pull Requests: Ensure your pull request follows the existing code style.
  • Documentation: Help improve or translate documentation. Any form of documentation enhancement is appreciated.

For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. We’re looking forward to your contributions!

Last updated on