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MCP ServersCommunitywegene-assistant MCP server

wegene-assistant MCP server

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MCP server for WeGene Assistant, using LLM to analyze a user’s WeGene genetic testing report.



Once a user is authorized, all the reports under his/her account will be exposed as a resource:

  • Custom wegene:// URI scheme for accessing each individual report
  • A report resource has a name, description and application/json mimetype


The server implements one tool:

  • wegene-oauth: Start a WeGene Open API oAuth process in the browser
    • The user should complete the authorization in 120 seconds so LLM will be able to further access the reports.
  • wegene-get-profiles: Read the profile list under a user’s WeGene account
    • Profiles’ name and id will be returned for LLM to use.
  • wegene-get-report-info: Return the report meta info so LLM will know what reports are available.
    • A list of report names, descriptions, endpoints, etc. will be returned
  • wegene-get-report: Read the results of a single report under a profile
    • Returns the result JSON specified in WeGene’s Open API platform 
    • Arguements
      • report_endpoint: The report’s endpoint to be retrieved from
      • report_id: The report’s id to be retrieved
      • profile_id: The profile id to retrieve report from


  • You will need WeGene Open API key/secret to use this project.
  • Copy .env.example as .env and update the key and secret in the file.



Installing via Smithery

To install WeGene Assistant for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery :

npx -y @smithery/cli install @xraywu/mcp-wegene-assistant --client claude

Insall Locally

Prepare MCP Server
  1. Clone this project
  2. Run uv sync --dev --all-extras under the project’s root folder
Claude Desktop Configuration
  • On MacOS: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
  • On Windows: %APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json

Add below contents in the configuration file:

{ "mcpServers": { "wegene-assistant": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/path/to/wegene-assistant", "run", "wegene-assistant" ] } } }
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