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MCP ServersCommunityMCP server for kintone

MCP server for kintone

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Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for kintone. This server allows you to explore and manipulate kintone data using AI tools such as Claude Desktop!

Japanese version: 日本語の説明はREADME.ja.mdにあります。


1. Install

Download the latest release from the release page. You can place the executable file anywhere you like.

2. Configure mcp-server-kintone

Create a configuration file like below:

{ "url": "https://<your-domain>", "username": "<your-username>", "password": "<your-password>", "token": "<your-app-token-1>, <your-app-token-2>, ...", "apps": [ { "id": "<your-app-id>", "description": "<your-app-description>", "permissions": { "read": true, "write": false, "delete": false } } ] }

Configuration parameters:

  • url: (required) URL of your kintone domain.

  • username: (optional) Username for login.

  • password: (optional) Password for login.

  • token: (optional) App tokens for login.

  • apps: (required) List of apps you want to access.

    • id: (required) App ID.
    • description: (optional) App description for AI.
    • permissions: (optional) Permissions for AI.
      • read: (optional) Read permission. Default is true.
      • write: (optional) Write permission. Default is false.
      • delete: (optional) Delete permission. Default is false.


  • For connect to kintone, at least of username and password or token is required.

  • Please make sure that all apps you want to access are included in the apps list. For security reasons, this server does not allow clients to access apps that are not included in the apps list.

For example, your configuration file should look like this:

{ "url": "", "username": "alice", "password": "password", "apps": [ { "id": "1", "description": "An app that stores information about customers. It contains the name of the person in charge and contact information.", "permissions": { "read": true, "write": false, "delete": false } }, { "id": "2", "description": "An app that stores information about projects. It contains an overview of the project and its progress.", "permissions": { "read": true, "write": true, "delete": false } } ] }

3. Configure MCP client like Claude Desktop

Configure your client to connect to the server.

For Claude Desktop, please edit file below:

  • MacOS/Linux: ~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Claude\claude_desktop_config.json

Add the following configuration to the mcpServers section:

{ "mcpServers": { "kintone": { "command": "C:\\path\\to\\mcp-server-kintone.exe", "args": [ "C:\\path\\to\\configuration.json" ] } } }

You may need to restart Claude Desktop to apply the changes.

4. Start to use

Now you can interact with kintone using your own AI tools!

For example, you can say:

  • “What is the latest status of Customer A’s project?”
  • “Update the progress of Project B to 50%.”
  • “Show me the projects that are behind schedule.”
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