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MCP ServersCommunityWebsite Downloader MCP Server

Website Downloader MCP Server

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This MCP server provides a tool to download entire websites using wget. It preserves the website structure and converts links to work locally.

Google Workspace Server MCP server


The server requires wget to be installed on your system.

Installing wget


Using Homebrew:

brew install wget

Linux (Debian/Ubuntu)

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install wget

Linux (Red Hat/Fedora)

sudo dnf install wget


  1. Using Chocolatey :
choco install wget
  1. Or download the binary from: 
    • Download the latest wget.exe
    • Place it in a directory that’s in your PATH (e.g., C:\Windows\System32)


The server provides a tool called download_website with the following parameters:

  • url (required): The URL of the website to download
  • outputPath (optional): The directory where the website should be downloaded. Defaults to the current directory.
  • depth (optional): Maximum depth level for recursive downloading. Defaults to infinite. Set to 0 for just the specified page, 1 for direct links, etc.


{ "url": "", "outputPath": "/path/to/output", "depth": 2 // Optional: Download up to 2 levels deep }


The website downloader:

  • Downloads recursively with infinite depth
  • Includes all page requisites (CSS, images, etc.)
  • Converts links to work locally
  • Adds appropriate extensions to files
  • Restricts downloads to the same domain
  • Preserves the website structure


  1. Build the server:
npm install npm run build
  1. Add to MCP settings:
{ "mcpServers": { "website-downloader": { "command": "node", "args": ["/path/to/website-downloader/build/index.js"] } } }
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