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MCP ServersCommunityKNMI Weather MCP

KNMI Weather MCP

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A FastMCP server that provides real-time weather data from KNMI (Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute) weather stations. This application fetches the latest 10-minute measurements from the nearest weather station to any location in the Netherlands.


  • Get weather data for any location in the Netherlands
  • Automatically finds the nearest KNMI weather station
  • Provides real-time measurements including:
    • Temperature
    • Humidity
    • Wind speed and direction
    • Precipitation
    • Visibility
    • Air pressure
  • Natural language interpretation of weather conditions
  • Location search functionality
  • Detailed logging



  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url> cd knmi-mcp
  2. Create a .env file in the project root:


Running the Server

Using Claude AI

To use this application with Claude AI, add the following configuration to your Claude configuration file (typically located at ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json):

{ "KNMI Weather": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/Users/<username>/src/knmi-mcp/src/knmi_weather_mcp", "run", "--with", "fastmcp", "--with", "httpx", "--with", "netCDF4", "--with", "numpy", "--with", "pandas", "--with", "pydantic", "--with", "python-dotenv", "--with", "xarray", "fastmcp", "run", "" ] } }

Note: Update the --directory path to match your local installation.

Manual Running

For development or standalone usage:

cd src/knmi_weather_mcp uv run --with fastmcp --with httpx --with netCDF4 --with numpy --with pandas --with pydantic --with python-dotenv --with xarray fastmcp run

Available Tools

1. what_is_the_weather_like_in

Get a natural language interpretation of current weather conditions for any location in the Netherlands.


await what_is_the_weather_like_in("Amsterdam")

2. get_location_weather

Get raw weather data for a location.


await get_location_weather("Rotterdam")

3. search_location

Search for locations in the Netherlands.


await search_location("Utrecht")

4. get_nearest_station

Find the nearest KNMI weather station to given coordinates.


await get_nearest_station(52.3676, 4.9041)


The application logs are stored in the logs/knmi_weather.log file, providing detailed information about:

  • API requests and responses
  • Weather data processing
  • Error messages
  • Debug information

Data Sources

This application uses the KNMI Data Platform API to fetch data from the β€œActuele10mindataKNMIstations” dataset, which provides 10-minute interval measurements from all KNMI weather stations in the Netherlands.

Error Handling

The application includes robust error handling for:

  • Invalid locations
  • API authentication issues
  • Network problems
  • Data parsing errors
  • Missing measurements
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