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MCP ServersCommunityPotential Contributions

To start the project

uv venv
uv sync
mcp dev

After every change in the code, you need to re run

mcp dev

NOTE: You should look into how to do hot reloads

Look into how the other example mcp servers are running with their respective tool exposing

Potential next steps:

  • Should I expose API Keys and stuff as a resource or should i make the platform url as a resource
  • one of the tools should be getting a new api_key and project_id for the user if they dont have it for the current one but I need to get the right user somehow
  • Look into how the other tools are doing this stuff

Write mcp prompts that help llms understand how to write the prompts for best results

Servers to look at:

Looks lke most of these are using ts, maybe I should also change gears to that

Actually I dont see why typescript would be better especially in our usecase, so sticking to better readbility python might be better

Potential Contributions

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Hot reload when the developer writes code to MCP

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