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MCP ServersCommunityGmail AutoAuth MCP Server

Gmail AutoAuth MCP Server

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A Model Context Protocol (MCP) server for Gmail integration in Claude Desktop with auto authentication support. This server enables AI assistants to manage Gmail through natural language interactions.

smithery badge License: ISC


  • Send emails with subject, content, attachments, and recipients
  • Read email messages by ID
  • Search emails with various criteria (subject, sender, date range)
  • List emails in inbox, sent, or custom labels
  • Mark emails as read/unread
  • Move emails to different labels/folders
  • Delete emails
  • Full integration with Gmail API
  • Simple OAuth2 authentication flow with auto browser launch
  • Support for both Desktop and Web application credentials
  • Global credential storage for convenience

Installation & Authentication

Installing via Smithery

To install Gmail AutoAuth for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery :

npx -y @smithery/cli install @gongrzhe/server-gmail-autoauth-mcp --client claude

Installing Manually

  1. Create a Google Cloud Project and obtain credentials:

    a. Create a Google Cloud Project:

    b. Create OAuth 2.0 Credentials:

    • Go to β€œAPIs & Services” > β€œCredentials”
    • Click β€œCreate Credentials” > β€œOAuth client ID”
    • Choose either β€œDesktop app” or β€œWeb application” as application type
    • Give it a name and click β€œCreate”
    • For Web application, add http://localhost:3000/oauth2callback to the authorized redirect URIs
    • Download the JSON file of your client’s OAuth keys
    • Rename the key file to gcp-oauth.keys.json
  2. Run Authentication:

    You can authenticate in two ways:

    a. Global Authentication (Recommended):

    # First time: Place gcp-oauth.keys.json in your home directory's .gmail-mcp folder mkdir -p ~/.gmail-mcp mv gcp-oauth.keys.json ~/.gmail-mcp/ # Run authentication from anywhere npx @gongrzhe/server-gmail-autoauth-mcp auth

    b. Local Authentication:

    # Place gcp-oauth.keys.json in your current directory # The file will be automatically copied to global config npx @gongrzhe/server-gmail-autoauth-mcp auth

    The authentication process will:

    • Look for gcp-oauth.keys.json in the current directory or ~/.gmail-mcp/

    • If found in current directory, copy it to ~/.gmail-mcp/

    • Open your default browser for Google authentication

    • Save credentials as ~/.gmail-mcp/credentials.json


    • After successful authentication, credentials are stored globally in ~/.gmail-mcp/ and can be used from any directory
    • Both Desktop app and Web application credentials are supported
    • For Web application credentials, make sure to add http://localhost:3000/oauth2callback to your authorized redirect URIs
  3. Configure in Claude Desktop:

{ "mcpServers": { "gmail": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "@gongrzhe/server-gmail-autoauth-mcp" ] } } }

Docker Support

If you prefer using Docker:

  1. Authentication:
docker run -i --rm \ --mount type=bind,source=/path/to/gcp-oauth.keys.json,target=/gcp-oauth.keys.json \ -v mcp-gmail:/gmail-server \ -e GMAIL_OAUTH_PATH=/gcp-oauth.keys.json \ -e "GMAIL_CREDENTIALS_PATH=/gmail-server/credentials.json" \ -p 3000:3000 \ mcp/gmail auth
  1. Usage:
{ "mcpServers": { "gmail": { "command": "docker", "args": [ "run", "-i", "--rm", "-v", "mcp-gmail:/gmail-server", "-e", "GMAIL_CREDENTIALS_PATH=/gmail-server/credentials.json", "mcp/gmail" ] } } }

Usage Examples

The server provides several tools that can be used through the Claude Desktop:

Send Email

{ "to": [""], "subject": "Meeting Tomorrow", "body": "Hi,\n\nJust a reminder about our meeting tomorrow at 10 AM.\n\nBest regards", "cc": [""], "bcc": [""] }

Search Emails

{ "query": " after:2024/01/01", "maxResults": 10 }

Read Email

{ "messageId": "message123" }

Move Email

{ "messageId": "message123", "labelIds": ["INBOX", "IMPORTANT"] }

Security Notes

  • OAuth credentials are stored securely in your local environment (~/.gmail-mcp/)
  • The server uses offline access to maintain persistent authentication
  • Never share or commit your credentials to version control
  • Regularly review and revoke unused access in your Google Account settings
  • Credentials are stored globally but are only accessible by the current user


  1. OAuth Keys Not Found

    • Make sure gcp-oauth.keys.json is in either your current directory or ~/.gmail-mcp/
    • Check file permissions
  2. Invalid Credentials Format

    • Ensure your OAuth keys file contains either web or installed credentials
    • For web applications, verify the redirect URI is correctly configured
  3. Port Already in Use

    • If port 3000 is already in use, please free it up before running authentication
    • You can find and stop the process using that port


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.


This project is licensed under the ISC License.


If you encounter any issues or have questions, please file an issue on the GitHub repository.

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