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MCP ServersCommunityholaspirit-mcp-server


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A MCP(Model Context Protocol)  server that accesses to Holaspirit API .

This server provides MCP-compatible access to Holaspirit’s API, allowing AI assistants to interact with your Holaspirit data through a standardized interface.


Available tools:

  • list_tasks - List all tasks in the organization
  • list_metrics - List all metrics in the organization
  • list_circles - List all circles in the organization
  • get_circle - Get details of a specific circle
  • list_roles - List all roles in the organization
  • get_role - Get details of a specific role
  • list_domains - List all domains in the organization
  • list_policies - List all policies in the organization
  • list_meetings - List all meetings in the organization
  • get_meeting - Get details of a specific meeting

Quick Start


npm install holaspirit-mcp-server


Create a .env file with your Holaspirit API credentials:



  1. Start the MCP server:
npx holaspirit-mcp-server
  1. For example usage, check the examples directory. To run the example:
# Set required environment variables export EXAMPLES_CLIENT_HOLASPIRIT_API_TOKEN=your_api_token export EXAMPLES_CLIENT_HOLASPIRIT_ORGANIZATION_ID=your_organization_id # Run the example npm run examples


Available Scripts

  • npm run dev - Start the server in development mode with hot reloading
  • npm run build - Build the project for production
  • npm run start - Start the production server
  • npm run lint - Run linting checks (ESLint and Prettier)
  • npm run fix - Automatically fix linting issues
  • npm run examples - Run the example scripts


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch
  3. Run tests and linting: npm run lint
  4. Commit your changes
  5. Push to the branch
  6. Create a Pull Request
Last updated on