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MCP ServersCommunitySerper Search and Scrape MCP Server

Serper Search and Scrape MCP Server

View original on GitHub 

A TypeScript-based MCP server that provides web search and webpage scraping capabilities using the Serper API. This server integrates with Claude Desktop to enable powerful web search and content extraction features.



  • google_search - Perform web searches via Serper API
    • Rich search results including organic results, knowledge graph, β€œpeople also ask”, and related searches
    • Supports region and language targeting
    • Optional parameters for location, pagination, time filters, and autocorrection
  • scrape - Extract content from web pages
    • Get plain text and optional markdown content
    • Includes JSON-LD and head metadata
    • Preserves document structure


  • Node.js >= 18
  • Serper API key (set as SERPER_API_KEY environment variable)


Install dependencies:

npm install

Build the server:

npm run build

For development with auto-rebuild:

npm run watch

Run tests:

npm test # Run all tests npm run test:watch # Run tests in watch mode npm run test:coverage # Run tests with coverage npm run test:integration # Run integration tests


To use with Claude Desktop, add the server config:

On MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
On Windows: %APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json

{ "mcpServers": { "serper-search": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "serper-search-scrape-mcp-server" ], "env": { "SERPER_API_KEY": "your_api_key_here" } } } }

Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root directory:



Since MCP servers communicate over stdio, debugging can be challenging. We recommend using the MCP Inspector , which is available as a package script:

npm run inspector

The Inspector will provide a URL to access debugging tools in your browser.

Last updated on