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MCP ServersCommunityGoogle Calendar MCP Server

Google Calendar MCP Server

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This is a Model Context Protocol (MCP) server that provides integration with Google Calendar. It allows LLMs to read, create, and manage calendar events through a standardized interface.


  • List available calendars
  • List events from a calendar
  • Create new calendar events
  • Update existing events
  • Delete events
  • Process events from screenshots and images


  1. Node.js 16 or higher
  2. TypeScript 5.3 or higher
  3. A Google Cloud project with the Calendar API enabled
  4. OAuth 2.0 credentials (Client ID and Client Secret)

Project Structure

google-calendar-mcp/ β”œβ”€β”€ src/ # TypeScript source files β”œβ”€β”€ build/ # Compiled JavaScript output β”œβ”€β”€ llm/ # LLM-specific configurations and prompts β”œβ”€β”€ package.json # Project dependencies and scripts └── tsconfig.json # TypeScript configuration

Google Cloud Setup

  1. Go to the Google Cloud Console 
  2. Create a new project or select an existing one.
  3. Enable the Google Calendar API  for your project. Ensure that the right project is selected from the top bar before enabling the API.
  4. Create OAuth 2.0 credentials:
    • Go to Credentials
    • Click β€œCreate Credentials” > β€œOAuth client ID”
    • Choose β€œUser data” for the type of data that the app will be accessing
    • Add your app name and contact information
    • Add the following scopes (optional):
    • Select β€œDesktop app” as the application type
    • Add your email address as a test user under the OAuth Consent screen 
      • Note: it will take a few minutes for the test user to be added. The OAuth consent will not allow you to proceed until the test user has propogated.


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Install dependencies:
    npm install
  3. Build the TypeScript code:
    npm run build
  4. Download your Google OAuth credentials from the Google Cloud Console (under β€œCredentials”) and rename the file to gcp-oauth.keys.json and place it in the root directory of the project.

Available Scripts

  • npm run build - Build the TypeScript code
  • npm run build:watch - Build TypeScript in watch mode for development
  • npm run dev - Start the server in development mode using ts-node
  • npm run auth - Start the authentication server for Google OAuth flow


Before using the server, you need to authenticate with Google Calendar and complete the OAuth flow:

  1. Place your Google OAuth credentials in a file named gcp-oauth.keys.json in the root directory of the project. This can be found in the Google Cloud Console under β€œCredentials”.

  2. Start the authentication server:

    npm run auth
  3. The OAuth flow will open a browser window to complete the OAuth flow.

  4. Follow the Google OAuth flow to grant access to your calendars

    • You will be warned that the app is not verified by Google. This is okay, just click β€œContinue”.
    • Grant access to view and edit your calendars
  5. Once complete, you can close the browser window.

The authentication tokens will be securely saved in .gcp-saved-tokens.json in the project root directory with restricted permissions (600).


The server exposes the following tools:

  • list-calendars: List all available calendars
  • list-events: List events from a calendar
  • create-event: Create a new calendar event
  • update-event: Update an existing calendar event
  • delete-event: Delete a calendar event

Using with Claude Desktop

  1. Add this configuration to your Claude Desktop config file. E.g. /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json:

    { "mcpServers": { "google-calendar": { "command": "node", "args": ["path/to/build/index.js"] } } }
  2. Restart Claude Desktop

Example Usage

Along with the normal capabilities you would expect for a calendar integration you can also do really dynamic things like add events from screenshots and images and much more.

  1. Add events from screenshots and images:

    Add this event to my calendar based on the attached screenshot.

    Supported image formats: PNG, JPEG, GIF Images can contain event details like date, time, location, and description

  2. Check attendance:

    Which events tomorrow have attendees who have not accepted the invitation?
  3. Auto coordinate events:

    Here's some available that was provided to me by someone I am interviewing. Take a look at the available times and create an event for me to interview them that is free on my work calendar.
  4. Provide your own availability:

    Please provide availability looking at both my personal and work calendar for this upcoming week. Choose times that work well for normal working hours on the East Coast. Meeting time is 1 hour



Common issues and solutions:

  1. OAuth Token Errors

    • Ensure your gcp-oauth.keys.json is correctly formatted
    • Try deleting .gcp-saved-tokens.json and re-authenticating
  2. TypeScript Build Errors

    • Make sure all dependencies are installed: npm install
    • Check your Node.js version matches prerequisites
    • Clear the build directory: rm -rf build/
  3. Image Processing Issues

    • Verify the image format is supported
    • Ensure the image contains clear, readable text

Security Notes

  • The server runs locally and requires OAuth authentication
  • OAuth credentials should be stored in gcp-oauth.keys.json in the project root
  • Authentication tokens are stored in .gcp-saved-tokens.json with restricted file permissions
  • Tokens are automatically refreshed when expired
  • Never commit your OAuth credentials or token files to version control
  • For production use, get your OAuth application verified by Google



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