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MCP ServersCommunityMCP Communicator (Telegram)

MCP Communicator (Telegram)

View original on GitHub 

An MCP server that enables communication with users through Telegram. This server provides tools to interact with users via a Telegram bot, including asking questions, sending notifications, sharing files, and creating project archives.


Via npm (global)

npm install -g mcp-communicator-telegram

Via npx (on-demand)

npx mcptelegram

To get your Telegram chat ID:

npx mcptelegram-chatid


  • Ask questions to users through Telegram
  • Send notifications to users (no response required)
  • Send files to users via Telegram
  • Create and send project zip files (respecting .gitignore)
  • Receive responses asynchronously (waits indefinitely for response)
  • Support for reply-based message tracking
  • Secure chat ID validation
  • Error handling and logging


  • Node.js (v14 or higher)
  • A Telegram bot token (obtained from @BotFather )
  • Your Telegram chat ID (can be obtained using the included utility)


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone cd mcp-communicator-telegram
  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Create a Telegram bot:

    • Open Telegram and search for @BotFather 
    • Send /newbot and follow the instructions
    • Save the bot token you receive
  2. Get your chat ID:

    • Copy .env.example to .env
    • Add your bot token to the .env file:
    • Run the chat ID utility:
      npm run build node build/get-chat-id.js
    • Send any message to your bot
    • Copy the chat ID that appears in the console
    • Add the chat ID to your .env file:
      TELEGRAM_TOKEN=your_bot_token_here CHAT_ID=your_chat_id_here


Add the server to your MCP settings file (usually located at %APPDATA%\Code\User\globalStorage\rooveterinaryinc.roo-cline\settings\cline_mcp_settings.json on Windows):

{ "mcpServers": { "mcp-communicator-telegram": { "command": "node", "args": ["path/to/mcp-communicator-telegram/build/index.js"], "env": { "TELEGRAM_TOKEN": "your_bot_token_here", "CHAT_ID": "your_chat_id_here" } } } }

Available Tools


Asks a question to the user via Telegram and waits for their response.

Input Schema:

{ "type": "object", "properties": { "question": { "type": "string", "description": "The question to ask the user" } }, "required": ["question"] }

Example usage:

const response = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "mcp-communicator-telegram", tool_name: "ask_user", arguments: { question: "What is your favorite color?" } });


Sends a notification message to the user via Telegram (no response required).

Input Schema:

{ "type": "object", "properties": { "message": { "type": "string", "description": "The message to send to the user" } }, "required": ["message"] }

Example usage:

await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "mcp-communicator-telegram", tool_name: "notify_user", arguments: { message: "Task completed successfully!" } });


Sends a file to the user via Telegram.

Input Schema:

{ "type": "object", "properties": { "filePath": { "type": "string", "description": "The path to the file to send" } }, "required": ["filePath"] }

Example usage:

await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "mcp-communicator-telegram", tool_name: "send_file", arguments: { filePath: "path/to/file.txt" } });


Creates a zip file of a project directory (respecting .gitignore patterns) and sends it to the user via Telegram.

Input Schema:

{ "type": "object", "properties": { "directory": { "type": "string", "description": "Directory to zip (defaults to current working directory)" } }, "required": [] }

Example usage with default directory (current working directory):

await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "mcp-communicator-telegram", tool_name: "zip_project", arguments: {} });

Example usage with specific directory:

await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "mcp-communicator-telegram", tool_name: "zip_project", arguments: { directory: "/path/to/your/project" } });


  • Creates a zip file named [project-name] based on the directory name
  • Can zip any specified directory or the current working directory
  • Respects .gitignore patterns
  • Maintains correct file paths in the archive
  • Automatically cleans up the zip file after sending
  • Handles files up to 2GB in size


Build the project:

npm run build

Run in development mode:

npm run dev

Watch for changes:

npm run watch

Clean build directory:

npm run clean


  • The server only responds to messages from the configured chat ID
  • Environment variables are used for sensitive configuration
  • Message IDs are used to track question/answer pairs
  • The bot ignores messages without proper context






0.2.1 # Major version bump for new features: notify_user, send_file, and zip_project tools

Last updated on