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MCP ServersCommunityModel Context Protocol (MCP) Server for dify workflows

Model Context Protocol (MCP) Server for dify workflows

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A simple implementation of an MCP server for using dify . It achieves the invocation of the Dify workflow by calling the tools of MCP.


The server can be installed via Smithery  or manually. Config.yaml is required for both methods. Thus, we need to prepare it before installation.

Prepare config.yaml

Before using the mcp server, you should prepare a config.yaml to save your dify_base_url and dify_sks. The example config like this:

dify_base_url: "" dify_app_sks: - "app-sk1" - "app-sk2"

Different SKs correspond to different dify workflows.

Installing via Smithery

smithery  is a tool to install the dify mcp server automatically. To install Dify MCP Server for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery :

npx -y @smithery/cli install dify-mcp-server --client claude

Manual Installation

You can also run the dify mcp server manually in your clients. The config of client should like the following format:

"mcpServers": { "mcp-server-rag-web-browser": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "${DIFY_MCP_SERVER_PATH}", "run", "dify_mcp_server" ], "env": { "CONFIG_PATH": "$CONFIG_PATH" } } }

Example config:

"mcpServers": { "mcp-server-rag-web-browser": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "/Users/lyx/Downloads/dify-mcp-server", "run", "dify_mcp_server" ], "env": { "CONFIG_PATH": "/Users/lyx/Downloads/config.yaml" } } }

Enjoy it

At last, you can use dify tools in any client who supports mcp.

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