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MCP ServersCommunitydecent-sampler-drums MCP Server

decent-sampler-drums MCP Server

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A Model Context Protocol server for generating DecentSampler drum kit configurations.

This TypeScript-based MCP server provides tools for working with DecentSampler drum kit presets, including WAV file analysis and XML generation.

Decent-Sampler Drums Server MCP server

Warning: Creating complex presets may end up exceeding Claude Desktop’s maximum message length. We are still working on streamlining this tool to work around this limitation. If you are creating simple presets without a lot of mics or other variations, the xml file should be small enough for Claude to write to a file.





  • Node.js (v14 or higher)
  • npm (usually comes with Node.js)
  • Claude Desktop app (for use with Claude)


  1. Install dependencies:
npm install
  1. Build the server:
npm run build
  1. Add to your Claude Desktop config:

Windows: %APPDATA%/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json MacOS: ~/Library/Application Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json

{ "mcpServers": { "decent-sampler-drums": { "command": "npx", "args": [ "-y", "@dandeliongold/mcp-decent-sampler-drums" ], "env": {} } } }


For development with auto-rebuild:

npm run watch

For debugging, use the MCP Inspector:

npm run inspector

Usage Guidelines

When using this MCP server to generate simple presets, you should always reference the simple_preset_guidelines prompt.

For more complex presets (including sections such as buses, effects, etc.), reference the advanced_preset_guidelines prompt. Note that creating complex presets with a large number of samples can still be unstable and may exceed Claude Desktop’s maximum message length.

About Decent Sampler

Decent Sampler is a FREE sampling plugin that allows you to play samples in the Decent Sampler format.

Sample Sources

The goal of this MCP server is to make it easier to set up your own presets, whether you’re playing your kitchen utensils into your phone, or recording a full kit in a studio. To create your own drum kits, you’ll also need samples.

If you don’t already have samples ready to go, here are some resources to get started:

Free and Low-Cost Sample Resources

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