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MCP ServersCommunityNeon MCP Server

Neon MCP Server

View original on GitHub 

A lightweight Model Control Protocol (MCP)  server deployed on Cloudflare Workers  that interfaces with the Neon REST API .

This is a simple example of an MCP server made with the create-mcp  CLI.

It’s still under development, I will be adding more tools as I find myself needing them.

Getting Started

Run the automated setup script to clone the worker and deploy it to your Cloudflare account:

bun create mcp neon-mcp --clone

Upload your Neon API key to your worker secrets:

wrangler secret put NEON_API_KEY

Add it to Cursor by pasting the MCP server command that was copied to your clipboard during setup.

Local Development

Add your Neon API key to the .dev.vars file:


Run the development server:

bun dev

Deploy Changes

When you’re ready to deploy your changes:

bun run deploy

What the Automated Setup Script Does

  • Clones the repository from GitHub
  • Installs dependencies
  • Sets up a new MCP secret
  • Deploys the worker to your Cloudflare account
  • Copies the MCP server command to your clipboard

Then reload your Cursor window to use the updated tools.

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