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MCP ServersCommunityDiscord Raw API MCP Server

Discord Raw API MCP Server

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smithery badge This MCP server provides raw Discord API access through a single flexible tool. It supports both REST API calls and slash command syntax.

Discord Raw API Server MCP server


Installing via Smithery

To install Discord Raw API for Claude Desktop automatically via Smithery :

npx -y @smithery/cli install @hanweg/mcp-discord-raw --client claude

Manual Installation

  1. Set up your Discord bot:

    • Create a new application at Discord Developer Portal 
    • Create a bot and copy the token
    • Enable required privileged intents:
    • Invite the bot to your server using OAuth2 URL Generator
  2. Clone and install the package:

# Clone the repository git clone cd mcp-discord-raw # Create and activate virtual environment uv venv .venv\Scripts\activate ### If using Python 3.13+ - install audioop library: `uv pip install audioop-lts` # Install the package uv pip install -e .


Add this to your claude_desktop_config.json

"discord-raw": { "command": "uv", "args": [ "--directory", "PATH/TO/mcp-discord-raw", "run", "discord-raw-mcp" ], "env": { "DISCORD_TOKEN": "YOUR-BOT-TOKEN" } }



{ "method": "POST", "endpoint": "guilds/123456789/roles", "payload": { "name": "Bot Master", "permissions": "8", "color": 3447003, "mentionable": true } }

Slash Command Style

{ "method": "POST", "endpoint": "/role create name:Bot_Master color:blue permissions:8 mentionable:true guild_id:123456789" }


  1. Create a role:
{ "method": "POST", "endpoint": "/role create name:Moderator color:red permissions:moderate_members guild_id:123456789" }
  1. Send a message:
{ "method": "POST", "endpoint": "channels/123456789/messages", "payload": { "content": "Hello from the API!" } }
  1. Get server information:
{ "method": "GET", "endpoint": "guilds/123456789" }


Put server, channel and user IDs and some examples in project knowledge to avoid having to remind the model of those, along with something like this to get it started:

β€œHere’s how to effectively use the Discord raw API tool: The tool is called discord_api and takes three parameters:

  1. method: HTTP method (β€œGET”, β€œPOST”, β€œPUT”, β€œPATCH”, β€œDELETE”)
  2. endpoint: Discord API endpoint (e.g., β€œguilds/{}/roles”)
  3. payload: Optional JSON object for the request body Key examples I’ve used:
  4. Creating roles:
discord_api method: POST endpoint: guilds/{server_id}/roles payload: { "name": "Role Name", "color": 3447003, // Blue color in decimal "mentionable": true }
  1. Creating categories and channels:
// Category discord_api method: POST endpoint: guilds/{server_id}/channels payload: { "name": "Category Name", "type": 4 // 4 = category } // Text channel in category discord_api method: POST endpoint: guilds/{server_id}/channels payload: { "name": "channel-name", "type": 0, // 0 = text channel "parent_id": "category_id", "topic": "Channel description" }
  1. Moving channels to categories:
discord_api method: PATCH endpoint: channels/{channel_id} payload: { "parent_id": "category_id" }
  1. Sending messages:
discord_api method: POST endpoint: channels/{channel_id}/messages payload: { "content": "Message text with emojis πŸ˜„" }
  1. Assigning roles:
discord_api method: PUT endpoint: guilds/{server_id}/members/{user_id}/roles/{role_id} payload: {}

The tool supports the full Discord API, so you can reference the Discord API documentation for more endpoints and features. The responses include IDs and other metadata you can use for subsequent requests. Pro tips:

  • Save IDs returned from creation requests to use in follow-up requests
  • Unicode emojis can be included directly in message content ? Tell the model to use discord emoji like :champagne_glass: - Messages with unicode emoji hangs Claude Desktop?
  • Channel types: 0 = text, 2 = voice, 4 = category, 13 = stage
  • Role colors are in decimal format (not hex)
  • Most modification endpoints use PATCH method
  • Empty payloads should be {} not null”


MIT License

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