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MCP ServersCommunityMCP Jira Integration

MCP Jira Integration

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This project integrates Claude AI with Jira to automate and enhance project management tasks.


Core Functionality

  • Jira issue creation and management through MCP protocol
  • API key-based authentication
  • Standardized request/response format for AI interactions

Jira Integration Features

  • Issue creation and updates
  • Basic sprint tracking
  • Project and board management
  • Issue search and retrieval


  • Python 3.8 or higher
  • Jira account with API token
  • Valid MCP implementation


  1. Clone the repository
  2. Configure environment variables in .env:
    JIRA_URL= JIRA_API_TOKEN=your_api_token PROJECT_KEY=PROJ API_KEY=your_secure_api_key # For MCP authentication

API Usage

Create Issue

from mcp_jira.protocol import MCPRequest, MCPContext # Create request context context = MCPContext( conversation_id=\"conv-123\", user_id=\"user-123\", api_key=\"your_api_key\" ) # Create issue request request = MCPRequest( function=\"create_issue\", parameters={ \"summary\": \"Implement feature X\", \"description\": \"Detailed description\", \"issue_type\": \"Story\", \"priority\": \"High\" }, context=context ) response = await mcp_handler.process_request(request)

Search Issues

request = MCPRequest( function=\"search_issues\", parameters={ \"jql\": \"project = PROJ AND status = 'In Progress'\" }, context=context ) response = await mcp_handler.process_request(request)


All requests require an API key in the request header:

headers = { \"X-API-Key\": \"your_api_key\" }

Integration with AI Assistants

This MCP implementation is designed to work with AI assistants that support the MCP protocol:

  1. Configure the environment variables
  2. Set up the MCP endpoint in your AI assistant’s configuration
  3. Use the standardized MCP protocol for Jira interactions


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a feature branch
  3. Submit a pull request


MIT License - see LICENSE file, message: Update README to reflect current functionality` }

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