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MCP ServersCommunityMinecraft Docker MCP

Minecraft Docker MCP

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An MCP server for Minecraft-in-Docker that enables AI interactions with a running Minecraft server using itzg’s docker-minecraft-server container.

  • Expose server administration to AI clients like Claude Desktop, Cursor, and Zed.
  • Allow models to programmatically create minecraft builds in game

LLMs have largely been trained on rcon commands, so there’s a wide breadth of ability inherent in just exposing rcon to the model.

If you’re already using the itzg/minecraft-server docker image, this MCP server will allow you to interact with your server via clients like Claude Desktop, Cursor, and Zed. The only requirement is that mc is the name of the container.


  • A running Minecraft server in a Docker container named mc
  • RCON enabled and properly configured
docker run -d --name mc -p 25565:25565 -e EULA=TRUE itzg/minecraft-server

To ensure you’re able to use this server, try running an rcon command to see if you get a response.

docker exec -it mc rcon "list"

If you get a response, you’re all set! If you don’t, please refer to the itzg/docker-minecraft-server  repository for troubleshooting.

MCP Integration

This MCP server leverages itzg’s docker-minecraft-server container’s built-in RCON functionality to interact with the Minecraft server. The container provides the rcon command within the running container, making it an ideal target for MCP interactions.

Connecting to Claude Desktop

Clone this repository and install the tool using the MCP CLI.

mcp install
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