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Say Server MCP server

macOS System Voice Settings

An MCP server that provides text-to-speech functionality using macOS’s built-in say command.


  • macOS (uses the built-in say command)
  • Node.js >= 14.0.0


Add the following to your MCP settings configuration file:

{ "mcpServers": { "say": { "command": "node", "args": ["/path/to/say-mcp-server/build/index.js"] } } }


npm install say-mcp-server



The speak tool provides access to macOS’s text-to-speech capabilities with extensive customization options.

Basic Usage

Use macOS text-to-speech to speak text aloud.


  • text (required): Text to speak. Supports:
    • Plain text
    • Basic punctuation for pauses
    • Newlines for natural breaks
    • [[slnc 500]] for 500ms silence
    • [[rate 200]] for changing speed mid-text
    • [[volm 0.5]] for changing volume mid-text
    • [[emph +]] and [[emph -]] for emphasis
    • [[pbas +10]] for pitch adjustment
  • voice (optional): Voice to use (default: “Alex”)
  • rate (optional): Speaking rate in words per minute (default: 175, range: 1-500)
  • background (optional): Run speech in background to allow further MCP interaction (default: false)

Advanced Features

  1. Voice Modulation:
use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "say", tool_name: "speak", arguments: { text: "[[volm 0.7]] This is quieter [[volm 1.0]] and this is normal [[volm 1.5]] and this is louder", voice: "Victoria" } });
  1. Dynamic Rate Changes:
use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "say", tool_name: "speak", arguments: { text: "Normal speed [[rate 300]] now speaking faster [[rate 100]] and now slower", voice: "Fred" } });
  1. Emphasis and Pitch:
use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "say", tool_name: "speak", arguments: { text: "[[emph +]] Important point! [[emph -]] [[pbas +10]] Higher pitch [[pbas -10]] Lower pitch", voice: "Samantha" } });

Integration Examples

  1. With Marginalia Search:
// Search for a topic and have the results read aloud const searchResult = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "marginalia-mcp-server", tool_name: "search", arguments: { query: "quantum computing basics", count: 1 } }); await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "say", tool_name: "speak", arguments: { text: searchResult.results[0].description, voice: "Daniel", rate: 150 } });
  1. With YouTube Transcripts:
// Read a YouTube video transcript const transcript = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "youtube-transcript", tool_name: "get_transcript", arguments: { url: "", lang: "en" } }); await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "say", tool_name: "speak", arguments: { text: transcript.text, voice: "Samantha", rate: 175 } });
  1. Background Speech with Multiple Actions:
// Start long speech in background await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "say", tool_name: "speak", arguments: { text: "This is a long speech that will run in the background...", voice: "Rocko (Italian (Italy))", rate: 69, background: true } }); // Immediately perform another action while speech continues await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "marginalia-mcp-server", tool_name: "search", arguments: { query: "parallel processing" } });
  1. With Apple Notes:
// Read notes aloud const notes = await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "apple-notes-mcp", tool_name: "search-notes", arguments: { query: "meeting notes" } }); if (notes.length > 0) { await use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "say", tool_name: "speak", arguments: { text: notes[0].content, voice: "Karen", rate: 160 } }); }


use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "say", tool_name: "speak", arguments: { text: "Hello, world!", voice: "Victoria", rate: 200 } });


List all available text-to-speech voices on the system.


use_mcp_tool({ server_name: "say", tool_name: "list_voices", arguments: {} });
VoiceLanguage/RegionIntellectual FigureHaikuCLI Specification
Anna (Premium)GermanEmmy NoetherSymmetrie haucht Leben
Algebras verborgne Form
Abstraktion blüht

Symmetry breathes life
Algebra's hidden forms
Abstraction blooms
-v "Anna (Premium)"
Emma (Premium)ItalianMaria Adelaide SneiderAlgoritmi in danza
Macchina sussurra dolce
Il codice vive

Algorithms dance
Machine whispers secrets soft
Code becomes alive
-v "Emma (Premium)"
Federica (Premium)ItalianPia NalliTeoremi fluenti
Numeri danzano liberi
Verità emerge

Flowing theorems dance
Numbers move in freedom's space
Truth emerges pure
-v "Federica (Premium)"
Serena (Premium)English (UK)Bertha SwirlesQuantum waves ripple
Through mathematical seas deep
Truth's light emerges

Quantum waves ripple
Through mathematical seas deep
Truth's light emerges
-v "Serena (Premium)"
Petra (Premium)GermanRuth MoufangAlgebra spricht
In Symmetrien versteckt
Wahrheit erblüht

Algebra speaks soft
Hidden in symmetries pure
Truth blooms anew here
-v "Petra (Premium)"
Yuna (Premium)KoreanHee Oh숨은 패턴 빛나고
마음의 방정식 핀다
지식 자라나

Hidden patterns gleam
Mind's equations softly bloom
Knowledge multiplies
-v "Yuna (Premium)"
Alva (Premium)SwedishSonja KorovkinMönster flödar fritt
Genom tankens labyrinter
Visdom blomstrar här

Patterns flowing free
Through labyrinths of the mind
Wisdom blooms right here
-v "Alva (Premium)"
Amélie (Premium)French (Canada)Sophie GermainNombres premiers murmurent
Dansent entre les silences
Symétrie s'ouvre

Prime numbers whisper
Dancing between the silence
Symmetry unfolds
-v "Amélie (Premium)"
Ewa (Premium)PolishMaria WielgusLogiki korzenie
Matematyczne krainy
Myśl kiełkująca

Logic's tender roots
Mathematical landscapes
Thought's seeds germinate
-v "Ewa (Premium)"
Kiyara (Premium)HindiShakuntala Deviगणित की लय में
अंक नृत्य करते हैं
ज्ञान जगता है

In rhythm of math
Numbers dance their sacred steps
Knowledge awakens
-v "Kiyara (Premium)"
Majed (Premium)ArabicMaha Al-Aswadأرقام ترقص
في فضاء اللانهاية
الحقيقة تشرق

Numbers dance freely
In infinity's vast space
Truth rises like dawn
-v "Majed (Premium)"
Tünde (Premium)HungarianJulia ErdősSzámok táncolnak
Végtelen térben szállnak
Igazság virrad

Numbers dance and soar
Through infinite space they glide
Truth dawns pure and bright
-v "Tünde (Premium)"
Fiona (Enhanced)English (Scottish)Mary SomervilleHighland mists reveal
Mathematical mysteries
Truth shines like the stars

Highland mists reveal
Mathematical mysteries
Truth shines like the stars
-v "Fiona (Enhanced)"
Lesya (Enhanced)UkrainianOlena VoinovaТиша говорить
Між зірками знання спить
Думка проростає

Silence speaks softly
Knowledge sleeps among the stars
Thought begins to grow
-v "Lesya (Enhanced)"
Carmit (Enhanced)HebrewTali Serorמילים נושמות בשקט
בין שורות של דממה
שיר מתעורר

Words breathe silently
Between lines of deep stillness
Poem awakening
-v "Carmit (Enhanced)"
Milena (Enhanced)RussianOlga LadyzhenskayaПамять шепчет нам
Уравнения текут
Истина молчит

Memory whispers
Equations flow like rivers
Truth speaks silently
-v "Milena (Enhanced)"
Katya (Enhanced)RussianSofia KovalevskayaЧисла танцуют
В пространстве бесконечном
Истина цветёт

Numbers dance freely
In space of infinity
Truth blooms like a flower
-v "Katya (Enhanced)"
Damayanti (Enhanced)IndonesianSri PekertiAngka menari
Dalam ruang tak batas
Kebenaran tumbuh

Numbers dance gently
In boundless space they flutter
Truth grows like new leaves
-v "Damayanti (Enhanced)"
Dariush (Enhanced)PersianMaryam Mirzakhaniاعداد می رقصند
در فضای بی پایان
حقیقت می روید

Numbers dance with grace
In endless space they traverse
Truth springs forth anew
-v "Dariush (Enhanced)"
Rocko (Italian)ItalianAstro Boy (Tetsuwan Atomu)
Italian dub
Robot di metallo
Cuore umano batte forte
Pace nel futuro

Metal robot form
Human heart beats strong within
Peace in future dawns
-v "Rocko (Italian (Italy))"
Rocko (Italian)ItalianJeeg Robot d'Acciaio
(Kōtetsu Jeeg)
Acciaio lucente
Protettore dei deboli
Vola nel cielo

Shining steel warrior
Protector of the helpless
Soars through the heavens
-v "Rocko (Italian (Italy))"
Rocko (Italian)ItalianNumero 5
(Short Circuit)
Input infinito
La coscienza si risveglia
Vita artificiale

Infinite input
Consciousness awakening
Artificial life
-v "Rocko (Italian (Italy))"
Binbin (Enhanced)Chinese (Mainland)Li Shanlan算术之道流

Arithmetic flows
Logic unfolds truth's pattern
Wisdom blossoms bright
-v "Binbin (Enhanced)"
Han (Premium)Chinese (Mainland)Chen Jingrun素数之舞动

Prime numbers dancing
Goldbach's conjecture whispers
Truth eternal flows
-v "Han (Premium)"
Lilian (Premium)Chinese (Mainland)Hua Luogeng数论之光芒

Number theory shines
Analysis extends grace
Wisdom ascends pure
-v "Lilian (Premium)"
MeijiaChinese (Taiwan)Sun-Yung Alice Chang幾何之美現

Geometry shows
Curvature flows endlessly
Space unfolds anew
-v "Meijia"
Sinji (Premium)Chinese (Hong Kong)Shing-Tung Yau流形之奧秘

Manifolds reveal
Calabi spaces in flow
Dimensions weave truth
-v "Sinji (Premium)"
TingtingChinese (Mainland)Wang Zhenyi星辰轨迹明

Starlit paths shine bright
Astronomy meets numbers
Wisdom radiates
-v "Tingting"
Yue (Premium)Chinese (Mainland)Chern Shiing-shen微分几何

Differential forms
In fiber bundles seek truth
Essence emerges
-v "Yue (Premium)"


Add the following to your MCP settings configuration file:

{ "mcpServers": { "say": { "command": "node", "args": ["/path/to/say-mcp-server/build/index.js"] } } }


  • macOS (uses the built-in say command)
  • Node.js >= 14.0.0




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